[hider=Neither purple nor smug(mostly)] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0KKX2u0.png[/img] [h1]Meisa Amorette[/h1] [b]Elf | 256 | ♀ | 157cm (5’ 2”) | 48kg (105lbs) 0th Circle | Civilization[/b][/center] A remnant of the lost, civilized era before the fall of the Thousand Faced God. An arrogant princess, tempered by time and the loss of an entire civilization, and one of the few to survive that historic calamity to live in the current day. In those painful months following the death of God and the monstrous scourge that followed, the elven kingdom was one of the many that fell to anarchy and being overrun by creatures. Whisked away by her guards, Meisa was one of the few that retreated to the mountains where although besieged, an enclave of survivors formed to create a new society. Hidden away from the greater world, these survivors slowly grew to form the last city of a once great civilization. It was, and would always be, however, an existence in limbo. Although the kings and queens were long gone, as the last royal, Meisa had a comfortable existence in exile. But to her, it was an unbearable one. Impotent. As the years passed, it was obvious to her that merely existing was not a way to live. A poor remnant, a shade of the past, a stagnant unaging population that could never move on—what was left was not a civilization, but a walking corpse, and a pitiable continuance. There was no motivation, no greater goal, and no progress to be made among those that were left. The connections that could be made from outside were no less reassuring. Once upon a time, she might have been an arrogant, vain young girl. In many respects, she still was. But the memories of proper civilization, and the horrors brought upon the land upon its fall that slowly seared themself to her very soul. It could be recreated. She could do it herself and bring back what once was. She just had to shake off the coat of her own complacency. Among familiar lands was not the place to be, but instead she was drawn towards a distant city. Oratorio was far grander than what she knew now, but still a shade of what she remembered. Especially the slums. But it was still a place to start. [hider=Path to Ascension] [u][b]0th Circle Ichor-Blessed[/b][/u] [b]Ichor:[/b] 0 [b]Wealth:[/b] 0 [b]Followers:[/b] 0 [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Artifacts:[/b] None [b]Property:[/b] None. [b]Divine Protection of Civilization[/b] Harmony – Followers have a far easier time working together with others. The effect is increased when working with likeminded followers. [b]Starting Benefit[/b] [i]Treasured Companion[/i] - [b]1 Paladin.[/b] You've granted your grace upon someone whom you trust deeply. [/hider] Paladins: [hider=The purple and smug you expected] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WYZqC7w.jpeg[/img] [h1]Firenze[/h1] [b]Elf | 251 | Female | 167 cm (5”6”) | 59 kg (130 lbs) Tier 1 Paladin | Royal Bodyguard[/b][/center] The slight unhinged, lifetime bodyguard of her charge, Meisa. A loyal servant, if you can get past the mutual abusive master-servant relationship. Was of dubious loyalty in the past, but the death of a god and the loss of everything you held dear except for your arguably crappy mistress changes perspectives a bit, especially when said boss has the chutzpah to try and fill the vacant position. For Meisa, at least, she really was the only natural choice to receive the spark. [b]Skills[/b] Touched Mind – Firenze is particularly inventive. In logistics. In battle. In the dungeon. [b]Grades[/b] [b]STR[/b] - I | [b]END[/b] - I | [b]DEX[/b] - I | [b]AGI[/b] - I | [b]MAG[/b] - I | [b]LCK[/b] - I [/hider] [/hider]