[center][h2]Sapiliezen Hill [/h2][/center] Duke Manith of Cyreze eventually brought the squabbles into a fight with fists, he was lucky that few were in the room, and that most did not care to intervene, the few things that did happen is that whatever was left of the guard, barring the largest amalgamation of steel plate armor and weapons moved either closer to the Emperor himself, or the door to the larger courtyard. It was an interesting thing, it was a fight between those who had no power left but for the clothes on their backs, and whatever they could swindle away from their homes before they fled. Well whatever they managed to keep in their possessions. They were granted pity due to their ranks and titles, but as it could be shown, they were just cornered animals fighting for scraps. The servant returned with a tray of tea and several glasses, as well as a standing table as he placed it down for them to enjoy over time. The tray was likely some form of cheap alloy coated with a faux rose-gold, but it held authentic glass cups, and a clay pot of a dark substance. "It is a tea dilute, it is some of the few I have been able to find in the recent days." the servant said quietly, pouring several glasses including one for himself, "I am Mr.Turyur, the other public servant is Mr.Tilitin. If you are staying here, we will likely be taking care of your basic needs, and general distraction from the faults of the others who come here." He stared at the brawl as it had become devolve until the Duke of Cyreze, well once Duke of Cyreze stuck one of the men with a knife that was created from a pocket. With that the man slowly placed down his own cup, and stood in front of the two, not in a defensive posture, but just standing there. The guards did nothing but continue to move in front of the paling Emperor, but not much action was resolved. "It seems that the count of Garmond has been stabbed, surprised it didn't happen sooner." Mr.Turyur said quietly, looking over at the two more or less to gauge their actions. "Don't worry... this is sadly common place over the past few years." [hr] The Emperor stared at what had become a brawl, he was fixing to try and stop the squabbling once and for all, but it turned into someone getting stabbed. He saw blood, and his face went white. He hadted the sight of blood near him, even if it was blood sausage, he hated the smell of it, no matter what kind of blood it was, he could always tell what was blood and what wasn't. His servant hadn't returned, and the guards in the room just stood in front of him. He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, and with the squabble over, most of the others backing down after the Count, who was now lying on the ground groaning got stabbed. "His Magesty." Started the Duke, "I was hoping to come and ask for our permission to found a New Dutchy with my village as it's head. It will look over the City of Darkness, and many of the surrounding lands including the enclave of elves." The Duke of Cyrene, turned to look at those who he was once fighting with, and then he saw an elf in the back, and almost scowled, before looking back forward. "The benefits of our military would be wonders if we could once again mobilize what is left of our southern armies, and the experience of the elves would work wonders for our people. We would have thousands of trained warriors and mages ready to march and rec-." This was stopped by another in the crowd, "So you can throw more lives into a slaughter? So you can horde an army for yourself, and then waste your soldiers on a campaign to gratify your riches, and when you run away again, you can leave an army to die?" The mess had turned into a squabble once again, but this time with more hatred filled into it. The Emperor however saw what the Duke scowled at, and it seemed that there were those unfamiliar to him in the court, he was used to having blatant murder in his halls, but he saw these individuals and likely knew they saw him as just a stone in the river. He believed his should prove them wrong, "While you all figure your lives and arguments out... I am going to stretch." he said, with likely few hearing his voice over the yelling. He stood, and hastily drew himself down the few steps from his throne to the even floor, skirting past the occupied individuals in the room, he as almost invisible to most, which he found to be a blessing and a curse. While it allowed him to move around easily, it also meant that he saw his rule as nothing besides a title. His father had gathered croweds, he just has some once Duke murder someone who also has no power anymore. He approached those in the back, and looked Tillitin, "make sure he is at least alive, and make sure he lives... I don't want another person to die in my halls this week." With those words, and the servant heading for harms way, his guard and the Emperor looked at the outsides, "I am... sorry, you had to see that, in the final days of the congressional government most of those men were to be placed under arrest for corruption, or treason for their own people. Sadly those documents are gone, and those of sanity are often those on the floor. But, how may I assist you both? I know you are not from these lands, you wear nothing like the elves of my lands, and while I would wish to hide the instability of this nation, I fear that is too late should you be envoys."