Putting this in here just as a final-ish draft. Still thinking on if there's anything I want to put under 'anything else', and I'm open to any suggestions or critiques, but if everything else is good, I'll put a proper colour in and have it ready to go. [hider=Bonus Druid][hr][hr][center][color=2E8B57][h1]Keannan Ivaenodel[/h1][/color] [center][h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/21f2a45b29b9ec1a48ac89f3d9190671/0270231adfc0770a-57/s540x810/e64fe52d95bd1b0c8c3e1ce1c90b9f57f534ffd6.pnj[/img][/h3] [code]137 - He/him - The Unexpected Hope - Bisexual, male-leaning[/code][/center] [color=2E8B57][i]"I don't belong here, doing this... [b]hero[/b] stuff. Find someone else."[/i][/color] [color=darkgray][b]—Keannan[/b][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=2E8B57][b]NAME[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan Ivaenodel[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]RACE[/b][/color] [indent]Wood Elf[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]CLASS[/b][/color] [indent]A Druid who has learned to channel the sun, moon and stars, and to use the forms of beasts to his advantage.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan is athletic, lean and tall, standing at 6'3", which is, perhaps, not unusual for elves. But he is far from the picture of a serene, peaceful elf. His hair, styled short; his ears pierced by iron rings; and a scar, cut through his eye, adding a sharper edge to an otherwise youthful face. Favouring light, flexible clothing that allows him a full range of movement, currently Keannan forgoes long sleeves and armour that covers his upper arms - foolish though it may be. His leather chestpiece is stained green, and on colder or wetter days, he uses a fur cloak to shield himself from the elements.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=2E8B57][b]HISTORY[/b][/color] [indent][hider=]Keannan has never dealt well with authority. Least of all those that expect him to respect them on title alone. His father had certain ideas of how a young elf was supposed to act. What they were supposed to do, supposed to achieve, supposed to say and sound like. Keannan, who didn't care about fitting in, or appearing perfect, would act out. Cause trouble, or steal, or skip lessons with his tutors. Suffice to say, their relationship is... strained. His father would punish him for the slightest infraction, and Keannan would refuse to back down. And as with all clashing forces, something had to give. The pot had to boil over, the volcano had to erupt. Keannan did something unforgivable in the eyes of his father... and too damning for their neighbours to ignore. Suffice to say... he was sent away. To one of the Druid circles, one that would teach him responsibility, and respect, or else he would never really be able to go home. Whether that was a blessing or a curse, he doesn't really know anymore. He was to learn how to care for the creatures of the forest. To understand them and their place in the world. How the elements worked in harmony, and how disrupting that delicate balance - the very thing Keannan was responsible for doing - could do great harm. How the sun nurtured; how the moon guided; how you could use them to aid others. The beginning of his study began as poorly as you'd expect. Though his teachers were kinder, more understanding, than his father, there was still little room for error, and still respect that he did not wish to give them. A pattern almost began to emerge... until his teachers assigned him to the care of another student. Enver was perfect. Strong. Talented. Likeable. Luminous. Everything that Keannan felt people expected him to be, and yet - not. He was unmoved by Keannan's attempts to push or disrupt him - didn't care how he looked or spoke or who he respected. But he was tough, and fair, and even when he laughed at Keannan, it was never cruel, and he always offered a helping hand when Keannan needed one. Enver helped Keannan become a better druid, and a better person. Taught him understanding, and patience, and how it didn't matter what other people thought of you - only that you were true to where your heart led you. And it didn't take long for Keannan's heart led him to Enver. Whether it was a passing love, or something true and real, Keannan had never had anyone as close to him. So his disappearance made his whole world shatter. Keannan had just completed his training; Enver, several months prior. They were going to leave together. Go out into the world, and help people. But one day, Enver was just... gone. The Druids looked for any trace, any sign. Any clue of where he might have gone, or been taken. But all that was left behind was his staff... a sturdy branch of oak, reinforced by magic so that it may never burn nor break so long as its bearer lives.[/hider][/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]FEARS[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan holds his fears close to his chest, but he has them like anyone else. The fear of dying, the fear that Enver is in trouble - or that he left for a reason. He [i]must[/i] be alive, somewhere, right?[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]GOALS[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan didn't really have many goals before - he was mostly just the type to do as he pleased, when he pleased. He and Enver were going to go on a journey. Now, Keannan is on a journey to find Enver and give him the Staff he left behind.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]SECRETS[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan does not believe himself worthy or capable enough to be a Chosen. He believes that it should be Enver, and that the fact that it was [i]his[/i] staff first just proves it. Additionally, though he puts up a tough front, he finds it hard to turn away from those in need - animals, children, the injured and infirm. While his bedside manner will need some work, he cannot stand idly by while they need him.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]FLAW[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan has no patience for posturing or pretending, and does not care for those who expect others to follow them based on rank alone. He is brusque, and short-tempered, and he refuses to act like someone he's not.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Skills[/b][/color] [indent]Though not the most well-studied, Keannan has an inquisitive mind and a sharp eye, always asking questions and taking in his surroundings. He is knowledgeable in the realms of flora and fauna, and can survive in and travel through the wilderness with ease. And like many elves, he is light-footed, nimble, and able in acrobatic or athletic pursuits.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]ABILITIES[/b][/color] [indent]Keannan possesses the ability to transform into one of several animal forms, that he may use to fight, to track, or to travel at speed. Or, if a bestial rampage is not sufficient, he can channel magic that draws from the Sun and the Moon, the Earth, the River, the Forest and the Wind; however, the magic must have a nearby source (i.e., Forest magic requires trees; more trees, more power) to draw from, or else its effect is greatly weakened.[/indent] [indent][color=2E8B57][b]Beast Shape:[/b][/color] Through careful study of a beast, and understanding how it moves, how it thinks and feels, Keannan may assume a similar form. In theory, this could extend to many creatures, in time, but for now, the forms he can access are the Eagle, the Stag, the Dire Wolf, and the Bear. [color=FFF79a][b]Sun:[/b][/color] A golden light; burning heat; nurturing life. Keannan can use Sun magic offensively, directing golden fire at nearby enemies, or to soothe and heal - though he struggles with major wounds, he can close minor wands, and draw out infection and disease. [color=C0C0C0][b]Moon:[/b][/color] A silver gleam; soft and pale; a guide in the dark. Moon spells have a greater range than Sun spells, which can be helpful when keeping foes at a distance, but its greater use is in its wards; shields to protect you from harm. [b][color=ff7f50]Earth,[/color] [color=6B8E23]Forest,[/color] [color=7ea7d8]River,[/color] and [color=82ca9d]Wind:[/color][/b] The Druids Keannan trained under define the major forces of nature under these four names; from stony caverns, to oceans blue, they typically fall somewhere under the wider definition. They can be used in a variety of ways - offensively or defensively - but the time and power it takes to cast the spell is often directly related to how malleable the element is; Wind spells are easiest, but do not often have powerful effects - then River, then Forest, and then Earth, which requires great concentration and can do powerful things, but is the hardest to shift.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]FATED WEAPON[/b][/color] [indent]The Fated Weapon Keannan bears is the Staff of the Woodlands, dark oak drawn from a living tree. The staff once belonged to Enver, Keannan's partner, and is the reason Keannan believes Enver to still be alive - for typically, the staffs made by their circle will only break upon an owner's death. It is effective as a weapon, striking hard and fast, or when used to cast spells.[/indent] [color=2E8B57][b]FATED POWER[/b][/color] [indent]The Staff grants Keannan the ability to understand animals, and be understood by them. However, it is not so simple as language - animals speak in ideas, in gestures and sounds. They may communicate anger, pain, or hunger, and it may remember a sight or a scent that could be useful, but complex ideas will be beyond it. Additionally, Keannan can use the Staff as a beacon, of sorts - broadcasting to all beasts nearby, if any are present, that he needs their assistance. Their aid to him is, similarly, restricted to only their own capabilities, and it will not override the loyalty a dog has to its master, or other such bonds.[/indent] [center][code]There is another school of Druidic magic, 'Wildfire', that Keannan has been unable to master, due to its unpredictability and his own fiery temperament. Using it would likely have serious consequences for him, so he doesn't use it.[/code][/center] [hider=Colour Codes] Keannan: [color=2E8B57]2E8B57[/color] Sun: [color=FFF79A]FFF79A[/color] Moon: [color=C0C0C0]C0C0C0[/color] Earth: [color=FF7F50]FF7F50[/color] Forest: [color=6B8E23]6B8E23[/color] River: [color=7EA7D8]7EA7D8[/color] Wind: [color=82CA9D]82CA9D[/color] Wildfire: [color=DC143C]DC143C[/color] We'll see if I ever actually use any of them except for Keannan's [s]especially Wildfire[/s], I'm mostly just doing the extra ones because I'm weird and like the extra touch.[/hider][/hider]