[quote=@silvermist1116] [@Punished GN] I know that. Given the notches in his bed post, am I crazy to assume Raven could be his child? [/quote] James went back in time and banged Eve before Adam could. We're all his children. [sup][sup][sup]For once, Raven is [i]not[/i] James kid.[/sup][/sup][/sup] Speaking of Raven.... [hider=Raven Jones' Journey][table] [row][cell][h2][b]Raven[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Jones[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/U3WF6JJ.jpg[/img] [b]15 | Raven Chandra Jones | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"I have to save her; I have to save Sunshine."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]The strange girl that the Sycamore Tree Coven has been receiving Recollections about following her journies in the Pit and beyond for odd reasons. Raven Jones was born in the Pit when her mother, the so-called "Mother Blood," was, for her heinous crimes, banished to the Pit. She is being raised by her mother to survive in the Pit and getting trained in the infamous "Blood Art Technique." However, she finds the Blood Art Technique inefficient and has modified it to create her Spells brand. She's a terrified and easily startled young girl, but she's trying her best... despite her timid demeanor, she shows signs of having her mother's brutality and has a strange fascination with blood. Raven is interested in the "source" of magic that her mother speaks of. Unlike her mother, she is not albino but she is African-American with dark skin and black hair; unfortunately, she isn't that tall at five-two due to lack of nutrition.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Green Lux.[/i] Channeler: Her Mother's Jewel Amulet [indent][b]Wound Transferral:[/b] A trademark Spell from her mother, and acts as a form of Regeneration. With this Spell, Raven can transfer one of her wounds to the last people she has touched in the last few days. She can only do this once; then, she must touch that person again to transfer it. [b]Bone-Blades:[/b] Raven can create blades out of her bones and have them violently burst from her body - which is as painful as it sounds. Raven has optimized this Spell by creating bone blades and breaking them off to create makeshift knives. [b]Pain-Suppressant:[/b] Raven can temporarily negate her pain... the only issue is that once the Spell wears off, she'll be feeling [i]all[/i] of it at once. [b]Blood-Lust:[/b] A passive Spell that will activate while Raven is fighting; the more she fights, she will gain the ability to "ignore" her injuries. Her intestines can be hanging out, she could have lost most of the blood in her body and missing two limbs, and she can keep fighting until she dies, or the opponent dies. [b]Body-Puppetry:[/b] Raven can tap into someone's nervous system and control their body with her mind alone... this Spell has a concise range and only works on those without an Emotional-Field. [b]Meat-Wall:[/b] Raven can generate a mass of rock-hard flesh and detach it from herself to act as a shield or blockade. [b]Eye-Burst:[/b] A favored Spell by Sunshine when going against the Blind. As the name implies, Raven can cause someone's eyeballs to pop and render them blind if they do not have an Emotional-Field. [b]Shapeshifting:[/b] Raven can temporarily transform her body into anything within the bounds of a human, even if it defies the laws of mass conservation. [b]Hematophagia:[/b] Another of Sunshine's favored spells, Raven can regenerate wounds by drinking blood - usually utilized as a scare tactic [i]and[/i] an alternate form of healing when she cannot transfer wounds. [b][b]Limb-Generation:[/b] [/b]Raven casts this spell and uses it to create extra limbs or replace lost ones. She can destroy these limbs and generate them on whoever doesn’t have an Emotional-Field. [b]Nervous-System Illusions:[/b] Raven can tap into a body's nervous system and create different illusions... this Spell works best on the Blind/One-Eye-Open but requires extra time and effort to penetrate an Emotional-Field. [b]Blood Spray:[/b] Raven sprays boiling blood out of her pores; this blood is hot enough to cause second-degree burns. [b]Gore Bomb:[/b] Raven reaches into herself and pulls out a mass of flesh and nail-like bones that’ll explode on contact—launching the bones in all directions. [b]Body-Enhancement:[/b] Sunshine's favorite Spell... for a short period, she can raise all of her attributes (Her strength, stamina, speed, durability, senses, etc) to superhuman levels.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Sunshine[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Jones[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HnZo1QB.jpg[/img] [b]41 | Sunshine Bella Jones | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"I [b]will[/b] drink the blood of magic straight from the source."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Known as [i]Echidna, The Killer with a Thousand Faces, and Mother Blood[/i] leader of the multiversal cult known as [i]The Inner Circle[/i] and known for crafting the now forbidden method of casting known as the [i]Blood Art Technique[/i]. She and her society aimed to find the source of magic (the "blood" of it, they called it), and to this end, they gradually fell off the deep end. Sunshine Jones was known across the All-Verse for her savagery and brutal experiments... until she was finally stopped one day and imprisoned. It was determined that she should receive the highest punishment known to man, a fate worse than death; she was shunted into The Pit. However, she was eight months pregnant then, and she gave birth to her daughter, [i]Raven[/i], in the Pit. Despite being in a literal hell, Sunshine loves her daughter more than anything in the world and would do anything so the horrors of the pit don't so much as touch her. Sunshine's goal is to escape the Pit, or at least get Raven out of there, and continue her plans to find the "source" of magic. Thus, Sunshine trained her daughter in the forbidden art of the Blood Art Technique and taught her everything she knew. However, the Pit likes her... it does not want to let her go. Sunshine is tall at five-nine but skinny; living off scraps in the Pit does that to you. She is notable because she is ethnically African-American but is albino, so her skin and hair are white. [/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Green Lux.[/i] Channeler: Jewel Amulet. [indent]Sunshine was considered to be one of the few Adept [i]masters[/i] as she trained since she was nine years old. She has a [i]variety[/i] of spells that she developed and learned from other Adepts. Her method of casting spells was the Blood Art Technique, which drew symbols with human blood, and the magic would come out. She likened magic to a form of science, and her affinity was towards the human body, being a former biologist. Sunshine's proficiency with this method was so high that she remembered [i]every[/i] spell or symbol off the back of her hand.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]The[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Mother[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Will[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bCCDOn2.jpg[/img] [b]??? | ??? | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"The Pit likes you; it doesn't want to let you go."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]A mysterious... [i]being,[/i] that inhabits the Pit. Mother Will claims to be the mouthpiece for the Pit and has a direct connection with it. She speaks as if The Pit is a living, breathing place... and given how [i]corrupted[/i] the Pit is, Mother Will may be correct. She appears before people she finds exciting and "judges" them, telling them how much the Pit favors them. If the Pit "likes" them, then it's unlikely any harm will come to them (but it also means the Pit won't let them leave). If the Pit "hates" them, their days are likely numbered (but they may be allowed to escape the Pit). She seems to be omnipresent and appears in several different places at once.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] [indent]It's unknown if the Mother Will is even anything within the bounds of Paranormal.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/hider]