[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/oy0J0Ah.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--[/h3][/center] Judging from their mutually approaching trajectory, the Sōhei and the Ōmukade would clash once more, perhaps exchange a few blows after, but they'd ultimately end in another stalemate, a zero sum game just like the eternal battle between good and evil... except, the Heavens weren't with the priest that day. In serving a murderous entity that had so callously taken the lives of three innocents, the sōhei had forsaken its divine protection. Truly, that must be the reason why it found itself assaulted by the Defiled Waters from yet another youkai mid-charge. The spectral monk's body hissed agonizingly as the Weeping God's inky curse burned it, the exact extent of the damage was unknown, but the result spoke for itself as it became weakened enough to falter, and even if the affliction would've only lasted barely a second, that slight moment of hesitation was enough for the eldritch centipede to snap shut its mandibles around the wraith's neck, and due to the size of the creature, it ended up crushing its head and shoulders as well. [color=fe2863][b]"!!"[/b][/color] Noticing this, the insectoid monster made clicking noises that seemed to express triumph, then proceeded to swivel, staring at Numako for a second before slithering back toward the rest of the group on innumerable legs. Of course, smashing and crushing over more ashigaru as it did. Upon rendezvousing, Teratoma the Ōmukade would lead the charge once more, stampeding any ashigaru foolish or unfortunate enough to get it in its way. Though A-188 wasn't exactly a brilliant strategist, it still knew what it must do, protecting her 'friends' as they ventured to the heart of the incident so the 'bad monsters' could be punished! [@Raineh Daze] [@VitaVitaAR] [@Eisenhorn] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@OwO]