"Twenty talents eh?" Adrian asked nonchalantly, not really putting too much thought into the quantity of the words so much as merely repeating them. "Perhaps we just bet it all then? Double our earnings? What are the odds I mean? Such a paltry sum can't be that hard to recover should things go wrong. Besides, this wildcard fight? Cold Hands? What an eccentric moniker, I find myself intrigued. Perhaps we put our odds there and see what comes of it? What's the worst that comes?" Adrian rambled on, only really seeming to be half paying attention to the words coming forth from his own mouth. Internally a portion of his focus was replaying the last few minutes in his head, an itch that he couldn't quite place ever-present in the back of his head. Adrian's focus was briefly pulled away as the meal arrived. Adrian's delicate features warped into a predatory grin as he eyeballed the steaming haunch of meat delivered before him. Eerily his gaze panned to the body of Chwegwn that'd taken up residence upon his lap. "It is not my desire to offend, but perhaps being between me and this delicate haunch of meat is not the best location to place oneself. Coming between a hungry Lybar and his meal has long been something we whisper about as dangerous and foolhardy in my ancestral house. If you'd kindly make yourself comfortable elsewhere I would appreciate it." Adrian's tone carried not quite a threat, but a warning meant to hopefully get his point across without offending. Before Chwegwn had time to react though Adrian's attention was directed elsewhere as the name Desdemona drifted through the wind. Now Adrian abruptly focused on Kira once more, trying to catch the context with which the name had been mentioned whilst also remembering events from his younger life. Not acknowledging Chwegwn's question Adrian addressed Kira, "Desdemona you say? What do you know of her?" Adrian's tone, for but a moment, betrayed a desperation that he'd worked quite hard all evening to keep hidden. How many of the rooms occupants would pick up on it entirely depended on how well they'd paid attention to Adrian's mannerisms thus far. Realizing his mistake Adrian quickly made an effort to down-play the question, turning back to Chwegwn once more and waving his hand as if to dismiss his earlier question, "Most rumors are just that friend, I'm sure that things are just overdramatized and not merely as interesting as everyone makes them out to be. Perhaps we'll see that in action with this first fight in fact. Now about that earlier request, friend? I would like to eat."