I keep opening up the Raven Jones hider and keep getting fucking jump scared. There are no jump scares in these NPC sheets. [hider=Ma & Pa Faris][table][row][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Yasmin[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Faris[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PSwkqQT.jpeg[/img] [b]47 | Yasmin Faris | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"This is a family business. Any acts against it are personal."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Born in America after her family abandoned the country that they had helped destabilize through contract killing and arms dealing, Yasmin Corey could’ve lived a posh life pretending to be ignorant of the blood money that filled her family coffers. Her traditionalist father believed that the family business was no place for his daughter, focusing instead on his sons. In fact, Yasmin was viewed as little more than a social bargaining chip, an offering to be sacrificed to further establish his family by linking them to a dynasty. At the time her marriage to Malik Faris was little more than a business deal, her role being to produce an offspring as fast as possible to forever tie the two families together. Sloane was born within a year of their marriage, serving as the glue that would seal their union. Little did Yasmin’s father know that it would become a deal that Yasmin manipulated to give herself all of the power. She was able to wrap Malik around her finger and use his curses to bring ruin upon her brothers, making her the only legal heir to her family fortune. She took plays from her family’s line of work to further her husband’s under-the-table business, translating the shadowy wetwork and smuggling to the less bloody and often more financially rewarding world of art theft. It was Yasmin that convinced Malik to expand beyond selling illegal art and begin selling Apparitions, a lucrative business idea that skyrocketed the Farises from being just another part of the one percent to being the one percent of the one percent. Like the ultra wealthy planning to evacuate Earth and live in space instead of taking care of the one planet they have, Yasmin and Malik fled Shimmer when the Stygian Snake threatened their reality. When their ungrateful daughter refused to flee and stayed behind to die, Yasmin was the one to convince Malik to leave her to die. In truth, Yasmin had always been afraid of Sloane, worried that her daughter would one day screw her over just like Yasmin had her father. If not for the promise of plentiful payday, Yasmin would never even have considered returning to St. Portwell. [/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] [indent]Adept - [i]Orange Lux[/i]. Channeler: Diamond Bracelet Yasmin has an affinity for infusing items with magic and transforming them into magical artifacts based upon myth and legend. [b]Awaken:[/b] Yasmin infuses a mundane object with Orange Lux, causing it to gain a magical property. The infusion is quick but short lived, functioning only as long as Yasmin continues to channel Orange Lux into the device. Yasmin does not pick the magical property an item gets, but rather “awakens” the latent paranormal potential inside of an item that has been impressed on it by people through collective ideas and tropes inspired by myth, folklore, and fiction. For example if Yasmin were to cast Awaken on a rug it would become a flying carpet while casting it upon a cloak would allow the wearer to turn invisible. Upon casting the spell she gains inherent knowledge on how the magical object works. [b]Transmogrification:[/b] A prolonged ritual that elevates the process of Awakening the magic in an item to permanently imbuing an item with magic and turning it into an artifact. An artifact cannot simply be created by investing time and magic; the object used in the process requires some kind of cultural significance embedded in it through the power of myth or folklore. Generally, this requires the magical artifact Yasmin is creating to be an actual ancient artifact or, at the very least, to be widely believed to be an actual ancient artifact—things found in museums or put up for bid in high society auction houses. Even once she has found a proper curio to Transmogrify into a magical artifact, Yasmin is required to go through a creative process of casting Awaken spells and performing rituals using Orange Lux to truly unlock the potential of the item. Through this process she can morph and fine tune the magical property of the artifact, taking what has been imbued in it through the public zeitgeist and tweaking its design to her own desires. This process often takes months if not years to complete. Yasmin can still Awaken an object that has not yet completely undergone Transmogrification into an artifact, allowing her to essentially perform test runs. Like with any Awakened object, this requires her to constantly channel Orange Lux. Once the object has undergone Transmogrification it functions just like an artifact and can be used without Lux. Once Yasmin creates an artifact she cannot create an additional copy of it while the artifact still functions, meaning she cannot supply the world with cloaks of invisibility or magic carpets. Essentially, the artifact is THE Magic Carpet, not a magic carpet. [hider=Example Artifact] The [i]Trojan Passport[/i], an ancient sliver of bronze that allows a person to create a one-way gateway between unconnected thresholds. Inspired by the myth of the Trojan Horse, the creation of the Trojan Passport required Yasmin to first find a piece of the Trojan Horse—which does not exist. However, what did exist was parts for ancient Greece siege engines that, when presented with certificates of authenticity by manipulated experts and given value and public awareness through a controversial auction, infused the part of the siege engine with enough of a story that made people believe it could be part of the Trojan Horse, thus allowing Yasmin to work her magic on it. The Transmogrifying still took several hundred hours to complete spread out over almost a year of time. Throughout the process the Trojan Passport magical property shifted from a handheld battering ram capable of collapsing walls with a simple knock to a bizarre charm that essentially acted as a VIP badge to what it is today: an artifact that captures the essence of the Trojan Horse by allowing the user to bypass gates and walls by creating connecting thresholds elsewhere.[/hider] [b]Infringement:[/b] Yasmin can strip an artifact she has made of its powers. This allows her to recreate the artifact elsewhere, or temporarily disable it if it falls into the hands of someone she opposes. A simple Awaken spell can be used to cancel out the temporarily disablement caused by an Infringement spell. Recreating the artifact is a much faster process than the original creation, taking about a full workday to recreate. However, it does require the proper materials to recreate, which can be difficult to come by. [/indent] [/cell][/row] [row][cell][h2][b]Malik[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Faris[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uNO8PFA.jpeg[/img] [b]67 | Malik Faris | He/Him [/b][hr][i]"The only thing remembered is what is left behind."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent] Malik may not wear a crown today, but he can trace his family lineage back to ancient Damascene kings. The Faris family have always been major players in shaping the world, from using their magic to rule it openly from atop a throne to eventually stepping away and manipulating it from the shadows. For over the past century the Faris family has made a name for themselves as the premier art and antique dealers, but they’re so much more than that. By controlling the flow and exposure of art they were also able to once manipulate history, painting the revisionist stories that the victors wanted to be spread and burying the records left behind by the defeated and the downtrodden. Malik came to America in his twenties, escaping the political turmoil that his eventual wife’s family had a hand in creating, and eventually settled in St. Portwell. Malik had little interest in continuing the cabalistic ways of his family, content with being rich and becoming richer—only occasionally crossing the line by cursing someone who got in the way of his profiteering. It was during this time of establishing himself in St. Portwell that Malik met James Vanburen, sparking a friendship/rivalry that would last for decades. However, his priority in life shifted from acquiring pure capital to leaving behind a lasting legacy after he married Yasmin and had his daughter Sloane. Perhaps fueled by his jealousy of James Vanburen and his cavalcade of varying levels of successful children, Malik fueled every resource he had into raising a perfect daughter to create the impression that he had been a perfect father. Of course these resources required capital. It took very little arm twisting from Yasmin to expand the Faris Empire further and further into the cabalistic sphere it had once been a part of, just as it took almost nothing to convince him to use his magic to curse her siblings making them the sole inheritors of her father’s fortunes. Anything for his precious Sloane. However, his daughter betrayed his support when she refused to run from the Stygian Snake with them, her act of rebellion crippling his right hand. Yasmin convinced him to let her go, a choice he has been regretting ever since. He had wanted to find a way to get back to his [s]legacy[/s] daughter ever since, but only after an old friend had requested the help of him and his wife for a sizable chunk of change was he able to convince Yasmin to return to St. Portwell. [/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] [indent]Adept - [i]Blue Lux[/i]. Channeler: Wedding Ring Malik has an affinity for curses that ruins a person’s credibility, reputation, and good judgment. [b]Downfall:[/b] A slow acting but powerful curse that eventually takes everything away that a person holds dear, inevitably putting them in the position they would be if everything in their life went wrong. It’s more than a simple misfortune curse. A person cursed by a Downfall spell will actively sabotage themselves in a way that simply appears as if they’d just experienced a temporary moment of bad judgment or a lack of self-control, with the frequency between these lapses occuring more and more often as the curse progresses. The road a person takes while experiencing a Downfall is always different—could be making poor investments, engaging in an addiction, to following violent tendencies—and can take anywhere from a few weeks to several years to fully experience. However, the destination is always the same: broken and alone, pushing away everyone and losing everything in the wake of their self-destruction. Even once they hit rock bottom the curse continues to affect the victim, preventing them from trying to pull themselves out of the hole. Emotional Fields do very little to protect against a Downfall curse, but they do get a strange feeling that an invisible hand is guiding them towards making poor decisions. Oftentimes a paranormal victim will become aware that they are cursed but due to the nature of the curse cannot bring themself to seek to break it or inform others about what has happened to them. A paranormal victim can try to fight back against the curse, extending the timeline they have before they hit rock bottom, but unless somebody else is able to catch wind of what’s happening to them and help break their curse they’ll inevitably experience a total Downfall just like anybody else. [b]Revision:[/b] A fast acting curse that can spread from person to person, a revision spell alters an individual's memory to recall an event they have witnessed differently. The false memory is shaped by a question Malik asks them while casting the spell. Once a person has a false memory in their head any mention of that false memory will leapfrog the curse from the victim to someone else who has witnessed the same incident, causing their memory of the events to be forgotten and replaced with the false memory which they then also believe is true. The curse can continue to spread from this new victim, inevitably allowing for the complete Revision of events through the curse being spread by word of mouth. Emotional Fields cannot protect against the initial casting of a Revision curse. However, people with Emotional Fields cannot be affected by the curse spreading via word-of-mouth. As well, while the curse sets in pretty quickly and can spread misinformation like wildfire, it can be broken just as fast by physical evidence that empirically disproves the revisioned history in the false memory. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/hider]