[@Dark Cloud] PF1e is essentially D&D 3.75, and PF2e is completely different and kind of sits as a mix of the PF1e "customization first" mindset and d&d5e simplification ethos. All abilities are now kinds of feats and are selected from lists, all action types are replaced with just "action" and "reaction" and you simply get 3 actions and a reaction each round. Status effects matter more than tiny bonuses and debuffs. Classes don't have archetypes, the term is now used to refer to multi class/prestige class options that are basically additional feat pools. And a bunch more stuff. It's more customizable than 5e, and less fiddly than PF1e. It's good if you like a little crunch with a streamlined base, rather than crunchy base with sanded off edges of 5e, or the oops all crunch of PF1e. I think it actually appeals best to people who want to step away from 5e rather than former PF1e players who liked that system. TL;DR: It's the same design philosophy but streamlined for more intuitive gameplay.