Chunji's eyes strained as he comprehended the artificial leyline itself. An unfamiliar method that caused an exertion that made his eyes. He could feel the blood in his eyes rushing as he tried to comprehend the leyline. However, when he did, Chunji felt empty inside. Ah, so that's what Artificial Leylines were fueled by. The 'humans' who appeared before him and those within the leyline were the same. All of them died to an executioner's blade, and their remnants remained to haunt this leyline. Were they figments of memories constructed in their likeness, or were they souls trapped into stitching this artificial line together? It didn't make a difference to Chunji. The usage of this leyline was purely unethical to life itself. Chunji detested it. Regardless of his thoughts, the situation was changing in front of him. The endless hordes started to drown in the Spawn's mud. It was thriving under the endless supply of food that wandered into its body without hesitation. Behind him, he could hear the sounds of battle fade into cries of victory. Well, victory to his ears anyway. Ms. Steeler was complaining about something, and Chunji didn't care to know what. He needed to return the Spawn to its seedbed. Utilizing their deep connection through blood, Chunji prodded the Spawn to return back into the pool of spilled blood. At first, it resisted for a moment before obliging to his call. Not bothering with reconstructing its form, the muddy serpent simply slid into the pool of blood, disappearing as if it were as deep as a lake. A sigh of relief was released from Chunji. It was as if a burden had been lifted off of his shoulders. The Spawn seemed satisfied with his summon as Chunji gave a cursory glance at his body. Nothing seemed to change, which was good. Seeing things ended well, Chunji was glad he didn't summon a Stem. Applying some healing magic onto his wrists, Chunji wrapped it securely with a couple of bandages. As he stood up, Chunji stumbled for a bit before straightening his posture. The amount of blood he lost was severe; a couple of days of rest would be needed to neutralize the loss. Now, he needed to check on Davil. Chunji's eyes flitted around the area before realizing a fact. He wasn't there. In fact, he wasn't even here. Confusion soon turns into alarm. "Professor! Don't close the leyline! I don't [b]see[/b] Davil anywhere!" It was impossible. Davil was right behind him earlier. He didn't enter his periphery, so that meant he had to disappear between Chunji and the rest of the class. Looking up to the sky, he only saw Otis up in the sky. How was this possible? It was the first time his Ethos had lost track of someone. Chunji came up with only one conclusion. The leyline itself. Could Davil have found a way to enter the leyline's memories? It seemed impossible, but that was Chunji's only guess. With strained eyes once more, Chunji peered deep inside the leyline once more. He is specifically trying to find Davil this time around. Diluted tears started to well up as he began his search.