[hider=Morden Garrus] [Sub][b][color=darkgray][color=red]W A R D E N[/color][/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [Color=lightgray] [center][img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1210756158093131827/image0.jpg?ex=65ebb78a&is=65d9428a&hm=6024786365bd2ce3e10d56f5f7c9a8632fe904dc21c88822f1a5edd464600fd8&[/img] MORDEN GARRUS 21 | 6’4 | WARDEN 3rd CLASS [url=https://youtu.be/3UcYZYMXAIo?si=LP6IIDa6adQvWb-a]🎵WATCH THEM FALL🎵[/url][/center] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][indent]Morden is nothing short of a mountain on legs. Standing taller than armored Vanguards with a flowing mane of hair that stretches down to his chest, and more muscles in one arm than most people can achieve in decades, he is built like a tank even by WARDEN standards. Cracks and burn marks dot his skin from head to toe, as a side effect of an absurd amount of mist burn that came from his training. Morden’s appearance is otherwise relatively plain, since he doesn’t put a lot of work into his look beyond keeping himself maintained. Though, he does always keep a small pocket-sized case with him, separate from whatever he has in his mist pocket, as a precaution due to the nature of his magic. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][indent]Composed, but not peaceful. Reserved, but not passive. Morden is the eye of the storm, a raging hurricane that holds up the sky and stands veiled by a passing demeanor of calm. Morden’s personality is a study in extremes, he is either the most unassuming person in a room or a presence you can’t hope to ignore. In times of peace, he is a gentle giant who can be seen with the occasional, weary smile on his face and not a word to say. The very definition of serenity. In times of conflict, he is rage incarnate, fury given shape, and wrath made manifest. When Morden expresses an emotion, he expressed [i]all of it,[/i] without a clear concept of a social filter. Towards his fellow WARDENs, Morden is [b]the[/b] brother in arms; Loyal to an indomitable fault and commanding respect with an iron will, and his “get behind me” attitude like a decorated general. In Morden’s mind, protecting Rassfet is [i]everything.[/i] He is a true believer in the fight against the empire, and will fight and stay unbroken for as long as it takes to save his homeland. His attitude is never anything less than 100 regarding any subject whatsoever, including his own personal well-being. There is no challenge that Morden can back down from, not because he is egotistical, but because he is [i]Morden fucking Garrus.[/i] Surrender is not an option to him, and he will hold up the universe for what he believes to be just and true. Even if he does not survive. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][Indent] Morden can barely remember his time before Rassfet took him in, but he was a refugee from a distant kingdom. His family had come seeking safety from the war, but they didn’t survive. Only an older sibling who is now a faceless memory made it to safety with Morden. After being picked out of a crowd of children for his aptitude for taking in the mist, they quickly began to make a soldier out of Morden. He wasn’t particularly strong, not like the Goliath he is today, and all of his training officers noted that his physical stature was something he had to work around. So, his simple 10 year old mind came up with a solution: Just get stronger. He started down the path of a Battlemage, learning to develop a tolerance for the mist quickly. Only rather than stay in one lane, he branched into armored combat on top of it. He trained relentlessly for the purpose of growing his strength through magic. The people who trained him helped as much as possible, and pushed him to break past limits. But even they had to stop him countless times. Records show that Morden has been hospitalized over 43 times for coming dangerously close to stage 3 mistburn, and even had to be chained to a hospital bed for a week because of how determined he was to become more powerful. Someone up the chain seemed to approve of his dedication and diligence to the cause. After all, he’s still here. An intensive psychological evaluation was conducted, and it was determined that Morden is mentally sound. He simply displays an absurd level of passion for his training and the life of a soldier. It was decided that Morden should be allowed to continue his training, albeit under a bit more supervision. Now that he’s an official WARDEN, Morden has been granted the rank of 3rd Class, but this is not good enough for him. Like Icarus chasing the sun, Morden strives to be the best of the best; He wants to receive the rank of 1st Class, and will not let anything stop him from making his goals a reality. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] C O M B A T [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][indent] [u]Combat Class:[/u] Vanguard/Battlemage [u]Combat Style:[/u] Morden channels the mist through his body to boost his physical strength to absurd levels beyond what most people can achieve. His training before now has been impossibly brutal, with the goal of accumulating more physical strength than the average WARDEN of his level, and becoming the resident brick with legs. In regular combat, Morden resorts to melee with his bare hands, or the heaviest infantry weapon that a military budget can buy. Give him the heaviest sword you have and he will put it to good use. When Morden pulls in the mist, he becomes a monster on the battlefield. Flecks of red energy spark outwards from his body and harden his skin while causing his muscles to grow denser. In simpler terms, he gets even stronger and very, [i]very[/i] hard to kill. Bullets from a high caliber rifle will bounce off of Morden like a tin can, and he’ll eat lethal explosions from grenades for breakfast. His enhanced strength matches the best power armor around, allowing Morden to cave a fully armored soldier’s chest in like a battering ram and slam someone through a table in an arm wrestle with it on. Morden has all the benefits of power armor while exploiting the mobility of lightweight infantry. This also makes Morden even more mobile than some of the quicker scouts in the military, as his strength gives him enough power to run at approximately 40 feet per second. A troop carrier or a tank might outrun him, but enemy soldiers damn sure won’t get away from Morden once he gets going. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] R E L A T I O N S H I P S [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][indent]Specifically, your character's general impressions/relationships with other player characters. This section can stay blank until characters have been accepted. [/indent][/I] [/Color] [hr] [/hider]