[b]Day 2: Near Med Tent Alpha[/b] Samantha Wilson was just leaving Bravo Tent and heading for the very nearby Alpha when she saw Dr. Biermann emerging the latter. She stopped to study him a moment; to the best of her knowledge, he hadn't slept since the crash almost a day and a half ago, spending that time caring in one way or another for the nearly one-third of the survivors who had suffered everything from scraped and bruises to compound fractures to -- in the case of Jenny Taylor -- life ending internal bleeding. He had an expression on his face now that Samantha found hard to decipher. It almost looked like relief, though, she wouldn't have any idea from where that relief might have come. Perhaps it was the fact that following Jenny's tragic death, there were no more critical patients; everyone left was expected to survive, though, some with broken bones wouldn't be walking or performing laborious tasks for a while and others would be living with pain in their backs, necks, and other areas for days, weeks, or months to come. [color=orange]"Doctor Biermann,"[/color] Samantha said quietly as she approached him from out of his line of sight. When he looked to her, which she noted wasn't immediately, she smiled to him and said with a soft tone, [color=orange]"You should get some rest. Really, you've been up for 36 hours. You need sleep."[/color] She gestured off toward one of the smaller tents, one erected specifically for the Medical Staff. [color=orange]"There's a bed in the back corner that's been waiting for you. I'll let the rest of the Staff know not to disturb you. We have this handled, really. You've already fixed the bad stuff, you and Annelise."[/color] The two doctors -- both surgeons -- had repaired limbs and torsos and heads, and now the only work left to do was monitor vitals, change bandages, and watch for unforeseen issues such as clots, fevers, and such. Referring to the other Nurse who'd survived the crash, Samantha told Biermann, [color=orange]"Robert and I have this handled, really. Go get some rest. Doctor Jennings managed to get her eyes closed a few hours ago. If we need a Doctor, we're to wake her."[/color]