As Danny entered Disneyland the next day, he couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It was their family’s first trip to Disneyland without their father, and it felt strange to be there without him. However, he was determined to make the most of it and try to enjoy the day. He wandered around the park for a bit. Taking in the sights and sounds, and indulging in overpriced snacks. On his journey, he spotted Chase and another boy with curly brown hair and glasses that Danny didn’t recognize. Danny’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of Chase. Despite only meeting him yesterday, there was something about Chase that drew him in. His charm and handsomeness were undeniable. Danny blushed at the sight of him and his muscular physique in a tank top. Danny took a deeo breath, and approached him. [color=pink]“Hey, Chase.”[/color] Danny said, he was nervous, but trying very hard to be casual. [color=pink]“Funny running into you here.”[/color] Chase turned towards Danny, his face breaking into a grin as he recognized him. “Danny, hey! What a coincidence, right?” He gestured to the boy standing beside him. [color=00a99d]“This is my friend Alex. Alex, this is Danny.”[/color] Danny nodded in acknowledgment, offering Alex a friendly smile. [color=pink]“Nice to meet you, Alex.”[/color] He said, extending his hand for a handshake. Alex returned the gesture with a nod and a smile. [color=orange]“Likewise, Danny. So, are you enjoying your time at Disneyland?”[/color] Danny nodded. [color=pink]“Yeah, it’s been fun so far. A nice break from reality, you know?”[/color] Chase nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling with excitement. [color=00a99d]“Totally. It’s always great to escape to the magic of Disneyland, especially when life gets a little rough. So listen, we were just about to go on Space Mountain, you wanna come with us?”[/color] Danny felt a pang of anxiety. Roller coasters weren’t exactly his favorite thing, especially ones as intense as Space Mountain. But he couldn’t deny he wanted to spend more time with Chase, and he wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass him by. [color=pink]“Uh, sure, sounds like fun.”[/color] Danny replied, trying to hide his nervousness with a forced smile. Chase grinned enthusiastically. [color=00a99d]“Awesome! It’s gonna be a blast, you’ll see!”[/color] he exclaimed.