Drip. There was something amiss. She could sense it. The feel of the air had changed ever so slightly in the small cell that was considered a room for the young acolyte. Young, as if there were not children here learning all the Elders could teach them. They had little choice in the matter, the young woman mussed. It was learn or die in the dilapidated temple that was considered the training ground for those sensitive in the Force. It once had stood taller, but now half of it had sunk in the much of the swamp and the rest was falling apart bit by bit. Soon there would be left to remember the Sith Lords by except these teachings and the harsh way of life on the planet. Drip. The water droplet smacked against her knee. The woman ignored it, for she felt it. The water of the swamp, the air. The Force was flowing about a rock. A interference to it's normal course. Gleaming yellow eyes opened in the rat infested pit as the woman stood slowly. Her form was a good deal too thin, but such was it in the Temple. Those who did not please the Elders did not eat as grandly as the rest, and the last thing she did was please the old windbags. A cruel smile taunting on her lips as she moved through the narrow passages. Several of the younger acolytes pressing against the stone and lowering their gazes. As they should! Mor'gann Arhar, was what they called her. She knew not her kin and had no friends amongst the Temple. Not the Elders would have permitted friendship to exist. Mor'gann was a woman in a man's world, as far as the Elders who ran the Temple were concerned. Her power was not brawn like so many of the young lads, or older lads for that matter. But it was not sheer strength in the Force either. Many lacked the strength she had, and others out matched her. But her power laid in another side of the puzzle. The twisting of the rules and the calculating mind she possessed. Cloaking herself in the shadows of the wider halls, the woman slipped down the deserted halls to the treasured relic. It was the pride and joy of the temple, and she had been whipped the last time she had dared to walk this hall. But now, she was not merely going to walk. Her eyes gleamed as she studied the two guards on duty. The other four were off. No doubt neglecting their duties, for who would think to challenge two of the 'instructors' that would be Elders in their time? They stiffened as she walked towards them, raising their thick staves. Raising a hand, she jerked the staves to her- one of the men landing on his face. But the staff was in her hand and the other was being beaten viciously back. Cracking the downed man on the back of the head lest he raise the alarm. She blocked the blow of the still standing guardian and twisted around to his back. There was a second vicious pop before the man toppled over the first. Dead. It was just as well, and with good measure she broke the neck of the first. It wouldn't do to leave witnesses. Opening the weary looking door, she walked down the great hall and to the podium. Her ragged cloak being pulled on while she did so. Soon this place would be swarmed, for the Elders would sense that something was amiss in the Temple at least. The contempt in her thoughts filled her with pride. She was better than they. She had gotten this far and the relic was hers. Her bare hand closed about the lightsaber. The metal feeling grimy and odd. It was old, most likely not having much left to give. But it would do. It would have to. Turning she slipped amongst the shadows as other robed acolytes much like her hurried to the scene. Let them run there, she would find this anomaly and deal with it. Then, for good or ill, she would be away from this backwater- quite literally in some instances- planet. Following the sense of the abnormal stirring of the Force, Mor'ann smiled as she heard the furious yells behind her as they discovered their loss. They would have some trouble sorting this out. All the better for her, though that would not last long if they used their head and set aside the petty squabbles that left them in the ruins when the stars reach above. Now, she was off to try and find a way off this planet and that meant a ship, a captain and if she had to? Mor’gann was not against trying to fly the things, though she would not know the first thing about it. The murk about her opened in the foggy light of day, the sun sinking towards the horizon. The hunting parties would be out and seeking prey, it was just as well because as her feet found the more solid ground and her form slid between the foliage and into the forests of Dxun, she heard the roar of one of the more burly elders finding their loss. “Codari, pack it up. Dad’s almost done with the research. Aunt V’s bringing the ship in.” The two boys clad in Beskar had been watching the sporadic movements of the forest. Kanis hated desolate worlds like this, give him a bar or some place to relax. Instead for days now it had been patrol’s near the temple complex. At least they had good intel on the place now... An entire temple complex made from Mandalorian Iron, a hell of a find and one they could use. It would give Ordo more beskar than any other clan at the moment... They just had to figure out how to get the stuff off the world quietly. Natives, wildlife, and made this place the opposite of habitable, even to Mandalorians. Codari rolled his eyes, as he finished getting the last bag of camping supplies together. “Where has Auntie V been anyway? She shot off after we got here like she had no interest in the temple.” Kanis chuckled as he patted his brother on the back. “She doesn’t, went off to paint... Dxun and Onderon will pass close enough to exchange atmospheres... And critters. Hence she wanted a chance to paint the happening in real time.” Explained the older brother as they heard noises, then cries and howls of anger. “Locals making a lot of noise, maybe we ought to give’em a scare? Dad said the only thing they respect out here is strength?” Codari chuckled. “Always more balls and blasters than brains with you... They won’t come out this way, this temple usually brings all sort of ill will. Why do you think Bogan is so strong here?” “Yeah, yeah... Smartass. Where the hell is dad then?” He asked, turning back towards the entrance to the temple of Freedom Nadd with a hope they’d be gone before something worse arrived than the corpses of wildlife they’d already had to stack having been driven mad by the well of darkness beneath them. The other temple would be a good place to begin, perhaps finding more power. That was the reason that had Mor’gann fleeing from the swamps and over the great boles of trees. What she had not expected were others already there and the foliage exploded as the thin woman burst from the trees to stop short. Her body instantly twisting into a fighting stance as she stared up at the great obsidian tower. Her yellow gaze switching to the two figures at it’s base. Her robe a cloth that had more holes and ragged tears than not. The sash about her middle stained with what would look like, and was in fact, fresh blood. A hunting party had come across her and she had left the two men and one of their spears behind her, the second spear in hand as she leveled it at the two youths. Acolytes? No, they were not from Dxun, that fact was instant relevant as she noted their odd implements and their gear. Sparing no look behind her, the pursuit would take some time to find the trail and then keep it. She had survived so long keeping herself to the shadows and out of sight. “You… Have you a ship?” Her words came out in a combination of Old Mandella, High Galactic, Ancient Sith melded into an odd dialect. Making a noise of irritation, of course they wouldn’t understand the outlanders never did. Fumbling for the words, she repeated herself though with less fluency than Mor’gann would have liked. “Have. You. Ship.” The question more of a command in a voice that was harsh and as sharp as her features. The thin chest under those robes rising and falling with harsh breathing that came from running and running hard. Her chin length hair mused from the run through the jungle, as if she noticed anyways. “That armor… “ It was fairly familiar. She had seen such among the populace of her tribe, or the tribe she had just beaten with a stick and left. Kanis had his rifle on her the minute she cleared the brush, watching her through his helmet’s visor. His armor was dull gold, as she approached muttering something, before speaking more clearly in her... Strangely, he could make a bit of it but the dialect and tone suggested a question, maybe she was asking if there were more of them. A scout for the assault... Or one of them running from the danger? Codari began to approach her, understanding her a bit better as he stood up walking slowly towards. “Ship. We have.” He answered, before trying to reach out, telepathic communication would be faster than struggling with a language barrier. He snapped back a moment later as he felt her defenses. “She’s sensitive to it.” He answered by taking a step back now, his head flicked to her sash where the saber lay hidden. A moment of realization came to him. “Kanis she might be-” Kanis already sensed his brother’s answer before he could finish dropping the rifle and pulled his staff a piece of wood? For a man wearing that much metal armor. The other slightly slimmer if taller one produced a saber and took the metal shield off his back. Kanis tilted his head towards his brother and his armor red to honor their father. “Sith. She’s a threat. No doubt here for something in the temple.” He pointed the staff at her, unlike his more gentle brother a command entered her mind. ‘Drop your weapons and surrender’ she could feel his voice in her mind as he readied himself for battle; they were not simple acolytes; they had weapons and arms beyond this world. Whatever she had expected, that something brushed against her. Her gaze flashed with outrage at this trap? A ploy by the Elders? They had a ship though, for that? A way off Dxun was something she would fight for. With everything she had, so when the one approaching paused, Mor'gann found words projected into her mind. That was not something she had expected, and it was not something she had time for. They had something she wanted, a way off Dxun. Considering the options, she cast the spear to the side with a careless toss. If they thought that made her dangerous? They would find themselves mistaken. Yet… Two against one? Unknown and outmatched as she was? One with a stick and the other with a lightsaber, a tool of legend? It would be best to appear to be meek and mild. It was a ploy she had used before to great effect and these fools hardly knew her. “Ssssith.” She hissed the work, softly tracing over how they spoke their language. It would be useful later after all. The saber stuffed into the sash about her waist beneath her robes was ignored at least for the moment. Men would always get cocky, make mistakes, they all did. Codari frowned. “Brother... She’s baiting you.” Unlike the others he wore a chest plate, shin high boots, and guards along the arms but his frame was more so robes. Tall with slightly narrower shoulders than his companion, the shield and lightsaber he carried was unique and different from other styles she has seen of combat with such a weapon. “No, she’s underestimating me. Jedi kill Sith, it is the way of things.” He answered firmly, eliciting groans from his brother. As he did Kanis lunged forward striking out with the staff pivoting with its strike at core trying to knock her back. Codari for his part watched and circled around her slowly as if watching her yet she’d note his helmet would block most of his vision upon her. His golden armor adorned his entire frame, stocky a bit shorter than the other. Clearly he looked stronger, the authority in his tone made him the older brother. Neither gave way much of their appearance beneath the armor as cloth hung around it of simple brown. Both able to be seen more clearly now as they advanced upon her, one cautious and one eager yet... She felt something else from within the temple, another presence perhaps? They were already arguing? What a joy, this would be all the easier. Still as the one lunged, she slipped to the side, her fist striking out as she twisted to attempt to drive a knee into the lad’s back as she passed. Ideally the slide to the side would take her away from the circling one. Her gaze piercing as she drew one of the skinning knives from her sash, and one for fighting. The latter heavier as she adopted a crouch. Not attacking, unless they did but patiently waiting. At least for the moment. “Sith kill Jed’ii.” She repeated the words with her accent twisted upon them. Kanis grunted, the kick mostly deadened by the plate; it still annoyed him as raised his gauntlet and aimed it. Codari yelled. “No whistling birds! You know the rules. Those are not a toy Kanis!” The younger brother spoke moving forward; he tossed the rounded shield into the air as she watched it sail towards her as he moved to grip his brother’s arm. “We do not kill unless there is no other choice!” Kanis wrenched his arm free with a growl. “I’ll dispatch worshippers of the dark how I please! It is their fault the galaxy is so terrible!” He screamed as reached back for one of the black and gray spheres on his belt. Siezing the shield using the Force, she let it carry about her in a semi circle to hurl it back at the two. Sweat broke out on her brow at doing that with the speed and at the drop of a pin. Still, it was needed. It appeared that those ancient Sith the temple tried to emulate were a sore spot for one lad. That was something she could play on. “Worshippers.” She gave a dark chuckle, amused as she straightened. There was a word she was unfamiliar with. Resorting to her native tongue, his anger would drive him if she dropped some of the words she did know in just to rile him with what was not known. “Oh, so you are troubled by the [i]Sith[/i]? For what they did to the Jed’ii? You scream and howl like a pack of maalraas pups. I [i]kill[/i], slaughtered, them for practice.” It was time to draw that weapon. He had one, and fighting him bare handed wasn’t doing anything to hurt him. Not that she wanted to hurt him. Someone had to pilot the ship. Surely the other one would do just as well. Reaching into her robe, she pulled the lightsaber free and smacked it hard against her leg. Igniting the flickering red light from the ancient looking thing. “Angry boy. One ship. One kill.” She crooned, purring as she waited for the charge she expected. Men were always charging. Kanis rolled in time and brought a gauntleted hand up to catch his brother’s shield. With one hand he took a deep breath handing it to his brother. “Right... I’m sorry... I can’t.” Codari reached over, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder slowly spreading the calm from him to his brother. Brother. We can’t win this like this... Together? Kanis nodded as he took off his helmet, the red haired young man stared harshly forward as he took a breath. Together. Rise like steam. Codari answered in his thoughts. Fall like rain. He dropped his shield taking his brother’s staff. She heard no words between them now. As he turned off his saber handing it to his brother. Who produced his own, Codari stepped infront the once more cautious brother centered himself pointing the staff at her. Not a charge he slowly advanced towards her as he came to a stop twenty paces from her. Taking a defensive posture his brother rushed forward kicking off his back he entered the air. No longer were they bickering they fought now more as one than a pair of snapping hounds. Landing behind her ignited the twin sabers as Codari advanced from her front trapped between the now co-operating pair as a great noise filled the air and the gates that ancient metal temple began to open. A smirk crossed her lips as she saw what they were doing. This was actually a challenge, a fight. One against opponents that were clever. Not that her kinsmen were not smart, they were just focused on survival and had grown in a vicious society. As had she. Though now that one was on either side? A tactical retreat was most likely called for. Being between snapping maalraas was not a good place to be. Letting the one behind her lash out with his sabers she would knock them away, deflecting them as she launched herself in her own jump away and further towards the forest. Away from the temple. Another was coming from the depths of the temple and she was indeed out numbered. Best to retreat. Watch, learn and then perhaps stowaway. Twisting she scooped up the spear and cast it at Kanis, the red hair a shock to one used to darker locks. The motion smooth and practiced from years living on Dxun. Twisting, she sought to leap again and into the fringe of the forest. To disappear amongst the trees. A surprise attack was to her advantage and the fight had turned against her. “That’s enough children.” A voice called, Mor’gann’s spear stopping in the air... Then clattering to the ground. As emerging from the temple doors was a figure clad in born robes, bandages covered his eyes with red hair sticking out in tufts he carried a metal staff. Yet she saw no other weapon; he had only raised a hand. He did not turn yet in her own language. “You are there among the trees and brush. Come forward child... Let me look into your heart and see if you may leave the accursed planet we stand on.” He spoke without yelling yet she felt it as a command, his presence almost calming and... Warming the older man was blind yet from the one she had seen the boys must be his sons. On a planet such as Dxun drowning in the dark the peace of light someone like Airus brought to the world was... Rare and strange. Perhaps this was the real Jetti, the thing that had brought low the builders of the temple he emerged from time and time again. She hesitated, stunned by the spear falling as if the language the man spoke was not enough. For it was her own and Mor'gann had never heard someone not from Dxun speak it. It was enough though to pause her flight entirely. Her wrist flexed as she twirled and twisted the lightsaber in a pattern at ease. Ready to fight despite al, for fighting was the blood and bone of survival. “You speak the language, though you are not from Dxun. No man so injured would stand here.” How could he see into her heart unless he meant to talk? Still she moved no closer, her stance still and poised to fight or flee as the weapon in her hand moved from side to side waiting to strike. After being attacked when she had offered words? Mor’gann was not going to be so open again. “You ask me to drop my guard when I was not the first to strike a blow? This is Dxun, no child survives upon this planet.” Airus chuckled as he stepped towards her slowly but not cautious or wary of her. Even wielding a weapon such as she had. “I have no eyes yet... I know where you are. Where the life around me dwells. I feel the world laid bare to know a thing from its soul and emotions not from something so easily deceived as sight.” He spoke, stopping before her shaking his head. “You are scared. Lost. Alone. You want help but know not how to ask for it. You want to learn but know not what you need to learn.” He reached forward as she felt him touch her mind, a moment passed, giving her a glimpse of his sight. She could feel the beasts in the distance, the rustle of leaves, and see the souls of herself and other two boys. No color could describe the swirling mass that made up the complexity of their aura. Even her own shifted and changed just in those moments. He stood close before her, cradling his staff tilting his head down towards her. “Would you care to learn more than any elder of Dxun has dreamed in ten thousand years? I am a teacher. A keeper of history of things dead and living. If you are so curious to learn... You might forge your own weapon.” He spoke gesturing to the saber she clutched protectively. “Or learn to do as I just did.” He reached a hand back her spear shot to him with sudden speed as he offered it back to her. Letting her claim he reached up and placed a hand on her head patting it. “But before any of that... You are starving. We have plenty of food and not enough company for dinner, join us.” Mor’gann glared at the man as he drew closer and closer. Too close and too irritating. Though his points were correct in a general sense, she still took a step back as he drew too close. Even offering her spear back to her, she did not move to take it. “You offer knowledge and aid. What is the cost?” Suspicions were there and for reasons. Nothing came for free on Dxun. Like a frozen creature though his hand was patting her head before she could react. It made the woman furious. Swiping the saber across the man’s arm, she angled to take his arm off at the elbow for the careless action. His free hand came up, his brow furrowed as without retracting the hand she aimed to slice off the second move and caught the blow from the saber. For just a moment his hand braced against the searing plasma then with a push he shifted away. Looking at her his hands untouched by her blade. “If I can do that without a weapon. What might I do with one?” He asked her now, letting her understand that pushing him would not do her a service here. “The cost? The cost is service. You will learn and grow under my tutelage, your mistakes will be my mistakes. Your choices will reflect on me. What do I ask? I ask that you grow wise and learn well... And if I am good enough. You will choose peace over violence.” He turned away from her, leaning his staff. “That and putting up with my two boys. They are both learning alongside you.” It was a common enough cost, though found the concept of peace of violence alien to how life was on Dxun. Studying the way he blocked her blade, she had flinched. Now she was confused as he turned away after she had struck him. Still, there was nothing to say she couldn’t slip away later, and he did offer food. Slowly she deactivated the saber, moving from the stance. Still she was wary of the two boys, irritants she would call them. “You said you have food-?” He had been very correct on that point. “Yes. However we should-” He was cut off by a loud boom as something emerged in the sky above. Kanis grunting. “Too late Aunt V is here.” Mor’gann was treated to the sight of something her people had not seen since the clone wars. An old Republic Hammerhead Cruiser had begun its descent; it was larger than most any ship that came regularly by four or five times the size. As the blind man turned back towards her. “Well... Let’s introduce you to my sister.” He spoke with a sigh almost defeated as the ramp dropped. She could read the name on the side in high galactic. The Blindluck. Seems whoever named the ship had a sense of humor. Codari paused looking over at Mor’gann. “...Sorry about the fight.” He tried to speak her tongue... Though it sounded broken and disjointed. Seemed he did not have his father’s ability for speech. The Dxun native glared at the ship, the writing’s joke lost on her. The one apologized, when fighting was natural? These were strange folk, still… It would be time practicing how to fit among the larger galaxy before she slipped away. “Your apology is meaning less.” Codari blinked. “Everything has meaning. We just might not know at first glance.” He added through clearly a bit wounded by her words, the two boys moving to load gear. As emerging from the cockpit was a woman with long red hair and reddish skin. Her height a bit less than Airus’s as she glanced up and down Mor’gann. “Airus what have I told you about picking up strays?” She spoke in a teasing tone circling Mor’gann. Before gasping a moment later. “She's an interesting one Varina. Besides, her tribe would kill her if she stayed.She needs training to guard her thoughts and herself.” Airus spoke leaning against the wall with a sigh. Varina rolled her eyes. “You have an ancient saber, one I would love to get a look at~'' She spoke not Mor’gann’s language yet it was as if someone translated it for her when she did speak. Airus chuckling a moment as he rolled his eyes. “We are Jedi Knights... Airus.” He gestured to himself giving a formal bow. “And this-” “Is Varina!” The more excitable woman answered, flourishing her own bow as for a moment she seemed to sparkle. “As for how you understand me. Airus is hearing me and translating the words in your mind. Nifty combination of comprehending speech and telepathy. Skills we can teach you. You’d be able to understand any species in the galaxy conversation.” She explained cheerily. “Now... Let me see that saber, and I’ll let you play with my box of parts for building new ones!” She spoke eagerly and excitedly. The entire experience was unnerving and Mor’gann was regretting not fleeing. Giving a dark look to the man, she said slowly in her mother tongue. “Stop that. I do not require coddling.” Though she might require a shield away from that woman who now circled her bright and chatty. It was something she did not know how to deal with. Women and women like this were rare on Dxun, not rare they did not exist. Shoving the saber into her robes, she took a long strep away from the woman, alarmed by this behavior, though that step set Cordai between them. Codari chuckled as he pulled off his helmet. “Yeah... She’s a lot... I’ll help you find a room.” He offered as Airus released his grip on her mind he grabbed Varina by the hood. “Settle in Mor’gann! You’ll be with us awhile. It’s at least two weeks until our next stop.” He pulled the older woman who whined as he did. “Airus! Airus it’s a new saber of ancient design! I wanna examine it! How can you be so mean to your sister?!” She cried as they vanished up to the bridge as Codari walked her down the halls. Stark white and gray cleaner than anything she had seen before. “...Well you’ve met most of our little family. I’m Codari Vel Aath... My father and Aunt were up there.” He explained slowly walking her through the weaving hallway of the ship. “Aunt…?” Another term unfamiliar to her. Though her tongue was using the common language found across the galaxy, not the Dxun pigeon that she had grown up with. Nor did she turn her back on the other boy, brother. Blood she guess from the looks the three men shared. Still she followed this Cordai. It seemed safer than getting ambushed by the woman again. Hesitating she gave up her name, it was hardly important but talking was hardly her strong suit. “Mor'gann. Arnhar.” “Codari Vel Aath.” He spoke, stopping finally at a door that opened... A room all her own: a bed, shelves, a desk, even more room than some of the elders had in their homes. “My brother and I are on the other side of the hallway if you need anything. Please make yourself at home. I'll come get you for dinner soon.” The room was not massive, large compared to some of the private quarters she had seen, but far larger than she herself felt comfortable with. Her movements were that of a cat mincing about an unknown and potentially dangerous territory. Which it was to her. Looking about it, there was subtle confusion in her gaze. “All this for one?” Though another worry was the single door in and out. “Large.” Perhaps she misunderstood something? He walked in, opening another door showing the bathroom. “You can shower and use the facilities here. Yes. Honestly this is considered little space where we come from... My clan has an entire planet to ourselves.” Codari explained as he showed her around... She realized she could ask about why he and his father lacked eyes but not his brother. Their blindness must be some ritual thing, as far as she was concerned. Blinking at the facilities, she grimaced. “Soft.” Too soft, she would become weak in a place like this. Though the facilities promised at least the grum of Dxun would be gone, hopefully for good. “You say this small? House five older acolytes, easily. Brother-fool he will not… revenge seek-?” “He’s an idiot... But he listens to dad. He fought in the clone wars... Then against the Empire... Well you haven’t seen him fight... He’s a force of nature.” He lifted his lightsaber up a moment letting her see it. “His master was the Battlemaster... Greatest warrior among the Jedi. Yet he became a master of lore and ancient knowledge.” Codari explained with a proud smile. “Not to mention like me... He can see through walls, darkness, even see hidden objects on your person.” “Wars…?” There was a perplexed look on Mor’gann impassive face. “Traders share some news but…” But she was an acolyte in disfavor. News got to her last and was often twisted. “Explain.” Codari moved to the holo projector. Showing holo’s of soldiers fighting... And then she saw ten of thousands or more rows of machines advancing. A single Jedi at the head of the smaller force of soldiers clad in white. “The clone wars...” They would take their dinner in the room as Codari went over the last thirty years of galactic history.