[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/0Qyp31Q1/Mia-Thompson-1-removebg-preview.png[/img][hr] [/center] [indent] As Mia’s head spun, she absorbed the dizzying chaos surrounding her, her antennae flicking in agitation amid the uproar. Conflict raged within her, torn between the impulse to dive headfirst into battle alongside her newfound allies against the menacing gang of villains and the instinct to flee from the overwhelming madness. It wasn’t until she sensed her connection with her insect allies faltering that she had reached a decision. Determination set in as she resolved to retreat from the frontline, realizing that even from the sidelines, she could play a crucial role in the unfolding confrontation. Using the cover provided by the giant boulder hurtling and crashing before them, Mia swiftly dodged and weaved her way through the tumult, her heart pounding with adrenaline. Spotting her clawed ally ahead, she winced as she watched them being flung into the air, leaving a grisly trail of blood as they skidded across the pavement and finally came to a stop on the opposite side of the street. Taking advantage of the distraction, Mia quickly assessed the situation and came to the realization that she hadn’t been noticed yet. Perhaps she could use that to lend a helping hand. Or a few. With a swift mental command, she once again summoned a legion of ants from the nearby cracks and crevices, directing them toward Kraven. The tiny insects swarmed around the hunter, crawling over her boots and legs, causing her to falter in what looked like surprise. But Mia knew better than to use this moment to celebrate. If they wanted to counterattack, they needed to use this moment. Both of them. [i][color=82ca9d]Come on, shake it off and get back up. [/color] [/i][/indent]