Caty had a wonderful time with the girls. She really needed this. For the first time since having all of this responsibility she felt like a kid again, which is ironic because she was here celebrating her birthday. Nico and her got along well. She was a lot deeper than her dark exterior. She could tell that she cared too much and just didn't know how to express it. Gert was pretty cool. She reminded her of Danny. Not as self-confident as she should be, but bright with a heart of gold. Molly was just too adorable for words. They took Molly to some kid rides before choosing things they were more interested in. At one point Molly got tired and Caty offered to carry her on her back. She fell asleep there and stayed that way while they got ready to watch the fireworks show. Karolina stood next to her and as everyone whispered in anticipation of tonight's show she reached for Caty's hand. Caty pulled her hand away and looked at Karolina with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She really liked, Karolina, but as a friend. She loved Liz and there was nothing she'd do to jeopardize that. [color=E137E3]"I can't."[/color] She finally whispered. [color=E137E3]"I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry if I misled you."[/color] [color=ffec80]"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."[/color] Karolina turned away from Caty, a tear forming in her left eye. Caty was the first girl she felt that comfortable with. Of course she had a girlfriend. And what, they were going to have a long distance relationship? What was she even thinking? Caty looked up at the Disney Castle and noticed something or rather someone crawling on it. [color=E137E3]"Hey, Molls?"[/color] She said finally deciding to wake the sleeping child. Molly stirred awake and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes to see that it was night and they were surrounded by a lot of people. [color=ff3399]"Huh?"[/color] Caty dropped down to let Molly off. [color=E137E3]"I just remembered that I need to get my bag from my locker and check on my brother, Danny."[/color] Karolina turned to face Caty and Molly. [color=ffec80]"Do you have to leave? The show's about to start."[/color] Caty nodded. [color=E137E3]"I do and I promise it's not because... I'll be back. Just trust me."[/color] Caty ran to the back of the crowd to go to the lockers she placed her bag in. While running she called Danny. They may have been at odds right now, but this was something she may need help with. Plus, it was their birthday. [color=E137E3]"Pick up, please."[/color] Gert turned towards Karolina after noticing Caty was gone and Molly was awake. [color=1aff8c]"Where'd Caty go?"[/color] She asked. Before Karolina could answer, Nico caught their attention. [color=cc99ff]"Umm... What's that?"[/color] She asked, pointing up at the castle. [hr] Dr. Connors had hit from his family, but he had been feeling different ever since the success of his experiment. He just chalked it up to his body getting used to having an arm again and adjusting to the chemicals that were now inside him. He felt less bothered during the day and was able to really enjoy his time at Disneyland with his family. He didn't have a care in the world. He even wore a Mickey Mouse hat the entire time he was in the park. When night fell the strange feelings returned, but they were a lot more intense. His family made their way to the front of the show since it their son, Billy's first time seeing it. Curt couldn't be happier with life so why did he feel so uncomfortable and sometimes in pain? He felt an intense cramp and excused himself to go to the bathroom, except he never made it there. He transformed into a humanoid Lizard and ran through the park before climbing up the castle.