[hider=Hard Boiled Detective][b]Character Name[/b]: Alcander Mires [b]Concept[/b]: Scarred Paranormal Detective [b]Background[/b]: Alcander's upbringing was atypical, though notably not paranormal. His parents, Nestor and Candice, were both Greek, having moved to the United States for business, finding a home in western Florida. Alcander was taught both English and Greek by his father, and his mother gave him a love of the ancient classics. Not only of Greek origin, but the myths of many cultures, most notably Near Eastern and Norse. He was encouraged to pursue a career in law by his father, and Alcander notably excelled in school. By age 16 he had graduated highschool, and was sent to live with his cousins in Athens, pursuing an undegraduate in law. Unfortunately for his parent's expectations, the locale and historical sites rekindled his love of myth and history, and soon he changed his vocation to archaeology and the classics. He found he wanted to remain in Greece, and even went so far as to advocate for his inclusion in the HAF for the compulsory military service, spending a full 12 months in the Hellenic Army. There he met his closest friends, Castor, Irakles, and Petros. All four were discharged by age 19, and they all went to university together. Alcander would never forget those three years he spent with them, laughing until they cried and even getting into a few fights downtown with rowdy louts on drunken nights. Once they each graduated, the four went on several digs together. Six months later, they took a dig with a team a few miles outside of Argos. The site was closed a day later, and save for a few locals swearing they heard a keening, animal wail in the wind, no one ever found out what exactly happened to the team. Alcander still won't speak on that day. He emerged out of the ground bloodied and covered in dust, his friends gone. Even when he gets particularly drunk, one can only get the words 'Tartarus' and 'Hydra' out of him. Alcander spent a few weeks settling his affairs, and then he left Greece without a word on where he was going. Every now and then he would call his family, speaking in brief sentences on his whereabouts. Istanbul, Edinburgh, Stockholm, the Song Mountains, San Paulo... Five years off the map, only to return to the states, quieter and world weary, but otherwise healthy. [b]Physical Description[/b]: Alcander cuts a wiry but not unpleasant figure. His mane of wavy and unremarkable hair, along with his earthy brown eyes give him an unintimidating and approachable look, particularly before his travels. He has a fine nose that accentuates his youthful face nicely, and a cut chin to match. His eyes are cold or distant, however. The bags under them betray his frequent, invasive dreams. He used to wear casual, but fashionable clothes. Button downs he would keep open and khakis or shorts, frequently going to the beach. Now, his shirts are wrinkled and his trousers are functional but unremarkable. He's almost never seen without a long duster-like coat, though he still wears the Greek orthodox bronze medallion his father gave him, hanging against his skin from a sturdy sterling silver necklace. [b]Powers and Skills[/b]: [i]Descendant of Apollo[/i]: The years lie lightly on him, and his ability to survive and endure harsh injuries are due to his lineage. One might call him a 'hero' in the Greek tradition, but he certainly would not. [i]Knowledge[/i]: A nymph claimed he was closer to Hermes than Apollo in spirit, and it was due to his knowledge of both mythology, language, and forensics. [i]Pacts[/i]: Has a number of otherworldly contacts, acquaintances, and bound entities to call upon when in need. [i]Minor Sorcery[/i]: Has no real talent for it, but has learned some occult arts to help him in his pursuits. [i]Military Training[/i]: Knows basic combat and has limited firearms training. [/hider] [quote=@Mistress Dizzy] Might not be able to do this after all. I received some rough news on Friday. Very sorry. [/quote] Stay safe! Sorry to hear :(