Meanwhile, a lot has happened in the months that passed. Danny joined a dojo period, in order to learn to fight properly. He often relied on his webs and powers to fight and had been told that wasn’t a good idea. And while Caty didn’t accept the internship from Dr. Connors, Danny got one from Norman Osborn himself! Danny jumped at the chance. He felt a little bad that it seemed like he had only gotten this position because of his friendship with Harry, but this was the opportunity of a lifetime, and Danny wasn’t about to waste it. Besides, now he could have access to Oscorp tech without having to steal it. And Danny was bouncing up the walls with excitement. He was invited to a Halloween party. He never got invited to parties before, and Danny wasn’t going to waste this opportunity. Wearing a costume of Sylveon, one of his favorite Pokémon, Danny came bounding down the stairs, just to see his sister and Liz kissing. For a minute Danny was a little jealous. He and Chase talked on the phone and over the internet a lot since the Disney trip, but Danny couldn’t be physically affectionate that way. He wished he could bring Chase to the Halloween party, but he was across the country. [color=pink]“Ahem!”[/color] Danny cleared his throat. [color=pink]“Hate to interupt, but your little bro is third wheeling on your date! It was either this, or third wheeling with Gwen and Harry. And honestly, they could probably use some time together without me.[/color] Danny gave Caty’s costume a side eye. [color=pink]“Really, Caty? Your going as yourself for Halloween? Surely you could be a little more creative than that…”[/color] —- They arrived at the party, and the first thing they saw was Skyler in a cheap Spider-Man costume. It was amazing that thing even fit him. Danny was not amused in the least. It’s true, Spider-Man had gotten popular in the ensuing months, but Danny didn’t like it. [color=pink]“For years I’ve been bullied for liking pink.[/color] Danny ranted. [color=pink]“It’s a girls color they said. Suddenly Spider-Man shows up, and now everyone is wearing pink. And do I even get an apology? No. Where is the respect? Where?!”[/color]