[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Kh98z46/bammer.jpg[/img][/center] Hey~hey!! Sooooo like I just wanna do some writing so why not do a low planning, high plotting, low entry, bare bones, but demanding RP! Cuz let's gooooooo!!! K right. So the idea is simple. We are experiments that have just woken up from cryo-pods. The lids open and we wake coughing, minds cloudy and feeling like crap. No idea who we are or what this place is, but once we look at each other, we see that we are all in onsie type uniforms but barefoot and head shaved. Yeah, we get a sense somethings a weeeeee bit off. Once we make eye contact with each other, can't help but get that [I]'on the tip of your tongue' feeling.[/I] Like you feel like you know the people you are staring at, you kinda' remember getting into the-cryo pods down here but other than that its all just an arms length beyond your memory. We start off amnesiac and running. We will slowly remember things and with that we will remember our powers and ultimate purpose. We were supposed to be some kinda' supersoldiers but our powers come from SUPERNATURAL!! sources. So like think urban fantasy powers, not superheroes. CS will be barebones, but I will be asking you to fill in your charrie sheets as the RP goes, so yeah, like i said; demanding. Power level will ultimately be on a scale of 7/10 kinda like Batman but with SUPERNATURAL!! Powers. BUT!! We will start off running scared. [hr] Rules: [b][color=f7941d]- |[/color][/b] This is ADV/LIT cuz of how demanding the RP is. But basically 300 word min is usually standard ADV/LIT. [b][color=f7941d]- |[/color][/b] Since this is ADV/LIT and there is basically no CS to write up (you'll see) I'll be asking for writing samples. Just link them out or spoiler them k? [color=f7941d][b]- |[/b][/color] Post freq is 1-2 times/week or like every 7-10 days there will be a 'GM prompt' post to get us moving. 3rd person, past tense. OoC here on RPG. [color=f7941d][b]- |[/b][/color] There will be 'markers' when new abilities will be discovered and they will usually co-incide with a major memory break thru. [color=f7941d][b]- |[/b][/color] Only accepting escapees as MCs, but NPCs may be bunny'd as we see fit. If you make a NPC you need to provide a small paragraph blurb with their desc. Even 3 sentences will do. [color=f7941d][b]- |[/b][/color] If you ghost and do not say anything for 7 days, YOUR CHARRIE IS GUNNA GET BUNNY'D!! ...and they might be written out with extreme prejudice lol [color=f7941d][b]- |[/b][/color] This is ADV/LIT so I am expecting creative people. Sooooo like there is only going to be barebones in terms of Lore. I will provide the skeleton for the RP but we will provide the filler as we go; low planning, high plotting. I will be updating a Lore page as we go. [hr] So why do I post this here and not ADV/LIT? Cuz its not really that demanding post wise, so its more Casual but the expectations of 'journaling' your CS into existence is demanding and thus ADV. As soon as we get 3 interests WITH linked posts/samples, I will do up the OoC. [hider=Oh! Here is my sample] [hr] Powder was getting her ass beat down. Bad. Real bad. Yes, she was a big girl that could handle herself in most situations. But this sitch... she was up against two long-time lone wolves. Not nice ones either. The lupine female she should have been able to handle on her own, but combined with the big male... no. Powder was getting her ass beat down. Bad. Real bad. But she was a big girl. With an even bigger fight in her. Splashes of red trailed behind her as she rolled over in the mud. Hazel eyes lit up as she turned to face them. A snarl, a spit, a sneer. Teeth red, spit red; the warm, liquid was all her own. And it just pissed her off that much more. With a muddied up hand, she wiped away at the corner of her mouth. The pair of wolves still held their mortal forms; confident in their abilities. Less powerful than their lupine forms no doubt, yet strong, fast and dangerous all the same. They paced in unison, moonlit eyes glinting, both with white toothy sneers lit bright under dusky skies, daring the teen to flee. But no, Powder held her ground. And with her other hand, she literally held the ground. Ancient words whispered into the wet soil; a quick incantation that was both cure and curse to her. Gashes on her neck, thighs, face and back healed over. The nearby vegetation wilted and rotted away instantly, their life forces sapped and stolen for her benefit. But during the energy exchange, something slipped through that shining space between this world and the Beyond. The brunette's dark eyes popped open wide as soon as she realized what it was that came through. A [i]leeching[/i] spirit. A great one at that. Wicked as it was old. Sensing the breach, both wolves expressions turned worrisome and instantly they turned tail and fled. Big mistake. The leeching spirit preyed on fear. And like angry, wicked lightning, it was on them, spearing them like fish and draining them as their backs' arched, all predatory aggression lost. Their bodies attempted futilely to shift into their more ferocious furred forms but the spirit had them in throes, lifting them off the ground. They would not escape via brute force tonight. Luckily for Powder, relief was the greater emotion that swelled inside her, dampening the tremendous fear that roiled underneath. As she calmed, she could hear the Slider spirit call to her; it was staking claim to the pair of wolven souls. The teen held her breath, weighing out her options. A heartbeat later, the Conduit made up her mind and disrobed. The young woman began to chant and dance in the mud, granting the great Slider spirit in the Lake to take what it would from the contract breaching wolves. She would allow it to feed upon them. True, they would most likely survive the draining from the leeching spirit but the Slider spirit was very, very demanding. It would take more than its fill. Even if it meant taking lives of former allies. There would be repercussions that would rock the strained relations between the Witches and the Wolves. But there was no other way. It had been well over a year since the Coven had spoken with the Pack. It was time to see who truly stood shoulder to shoulder united against the oncoming Darkness in the Crypt. [hr][/hider] Tysm for reading! And if ya wants: Like, Comment, Subscribe!!