Caty had accepted Danny's hug. They stayed there until they heard sirens in the distance at which point Caty told Danny that they needed to get out of there. She dialed Liz's parents and told them that Liz was on the way to the hospital. She swung Liz over to the hospital. She landed right next to the entrance and carried Liz the rest of the way. She held her bridal style, thoughts lingering in her mind how they'd never be able to see the day they got married. She really didn't know what to do. They entered the hospital and she screamed out, [color=E137E3]"I need help!"[/color] The staff got to her and Liz immediately, but it didn't matter how long they took. She was already dead and it was all her fault. Everything leading to this moment was all her fault. She waited with Danny for Liz's parents. She was glad he was here with her. At least he understood how she was feeling. At least partly. She decided to stay in her costume. It was Halloween and she needed it on in order to explain to Liz's parents what happened.