Ah, Maid RPG, that weird little thing where everyone is a maid (nearly) and the only more powerful force in the universe is a butler. But what if instead of being [i]powerful[/i] and competent maids, all the players were part of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's cohort of complete goofs? Where almost any other [i]person[/i] is far beyond your pay grade to fight (not that this will likely stop you). [i]Obviously[/i], there'd need to be some changes to the character creation because some things just don't make sense in Gensokyo... or are incompatible with being a fairy. And there's some things that are pretty much a given for the premise. That, and Immune to Pain would probably have to change a little. No fairy's winning a spellcard duel by facetanking everything. Still, who's up for being [i]very cute[/i] but less than ideal maids? Probably looking for 5-6 players.