[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240301/afc2e4e091f5e77155a2bde75504f79e.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Oh, you know. [/right][right][b][code]Cracker Barrel[/code][/b][/right][hr] It was not lost on Jack that Sloane wanted to quickly swerve away from the subject of her dating success. He kept quiet as Sloane deflected to Anya’s success with relationships, and of course that wasn’t going to happen. Anya wasn’t the type to [i]enjoy[/i] dating. Which was fair, it was something too many people felt obligated to entertain the notion that oneself must be completed by another. That to be fulfilled was to intertwine with another person for life, and only then could one be considered “whole,” lest they die alone. Maybe it was because of Jack’s inter-dimensional antics, but he didn’t see the point in obsessing over such a thing. Then again, he obsessed over something different for a decade. But now, both of them seemed to have an interest in [i]his[/i] love life. Which, admittedly, did not exist. Anya and Sloane might have had their own journeys through the pool, but Jack simply always stayed on shore. He had been single most of his life, and never met anyone who he felt he could enter a relationship with since Reza’s death. Anya was right, there weren’t many options in the void. But that was fine. Jack laughed, weakly at that notion. [color=6644ff]”Another time, perhaps,”[/color] he answered. [color=6644ff]”I’m not concerned with that currently. Between traveling out of Shimmer as I do, and the fact that I’ve been gone so long, it would not be feasible.”[/color] Jack lived a life that made relationships somewhat difficult. He could maintain contact with friends no matter where he was in the All-Verse, with a bit of effort and magic work. He could always show up on time to a night out of drinks and Jack could always tell an interesting story at a gathering to keep boredom at bay. But traveling constantly didn’t allow for time to build up a romantic relationship. He wasn’t prone to staying in one place, where most people eventually decided to settle down and made their nest. And there was also the fact that Jack hadn’t been here in a decade. He didn’t know anyone outside the coven’s remnants anymore, meaning he was nothing more than a stranger to St. Portwell’s current magic scene. [color=6644ff]”I wouldn’t want to trouble you two with that. And besides, Father Wolf is more important to me right now. I am not in a good position to pursue a relationship.”[/color] [sub][i]And I find it hard to imagine anyone would be interested regardless.[/i][/sub] [color=6644ff]”If it is meant to happen, then it will happen,”[/color] he said, cryptically. [color=6644ff]”I’m in no hurry.”[/color]