[h2]Cazt Gardens[/h2] "I see," the man said with a small smile, taking the offered hand with only a hint of exasperation at the custom. Despite his size, it was a surprisingly light grip, not crushing, yet not weak enough to suggeest that age had brought infirmity. Or at least not yet. "Then, would you care to demonstrate what you already know? I am slightly aware of the daughter's talents but I must confess to being unsure whether my knowledge would complement the teachings of one of the fey." Erich stepped back, arms folded, and waited. It wasn't [i]likely[/i] that he would have nothing to teach--if there was one similarity between the stories of the legendary figure and Lilia's approach, it was enchanting swords. [hr] [h2]Candaeln Yard[/h2] The more experienced knight's deflection was uncharacteristically awkward, barely avoiding getting tagged, although true to the form he was emulating, Florian didn't allow that to stop him from immediately pressing the attack to try and limit Fleuri's opportunity to capitalise on it. "Oh, probably some sort of summer festival? The calendar here doesn't flow normally, and the seasons can remain unchanging for years or go back and forth on a daily basis, so it's just an excuse for street food and music," Florian continued, not allowing such a little thing as 'swinging a sword' to interrupt his conversation. [hr] [h2]Outside Talderia[/h2] "The only things here from Aimlenn are the ones she finds personally interesting, it's still strange," Edwin said, placing the sword carefully against an unexpectedly undamaged tree and retrieving the copy he had brought with him in the first place, "Everything else is from Talderia. Or like something that [i]could[/i] have been in Talderia?" "Someone like the prince wouldn't know about the commoners' exact buildings, and we don't know anyone from back then who [i]could[/i] answer." Parvan added. "But if it's the food you're after, there's still some places near Candaeln that have learned how to make our recipes too."