[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/oy0J0Ah.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--[/h3][/center] Close, so, so very [i]close[/i]! The Fleshweaver could feel it in its exoskeleton, the ominous looming dread eldritchly twisted into throbbing excitement in the anomaly's alien mind, fueled by the prospect of encountering the bad monster that hurt the good people, worse, tried to hurt its friends. It would slither right into its lair and reveal its cowardly hide for everyone to see, so they could all punish it together! Spurred by its hunger for retribution, the Ōmukade continued its insectoid stampede-... -...until a collection of gigantic hands halted its tracks, the very first thing solid enough to cease the centipede's seemingly unstoppable advance. [color=fe2863][b]"GrRrHhHh?!!"[/b][/color] Then, before its two sets of amber-colored compound eyes, a figure of inky shadow began to form, first appearing as nothing more than a collection of ooze coalescing around a skeleton in worn ancient armor before it began to… shift - not unlike Teratoma - shaping bones, flesh, sinew, skin, eyes, and even armor plates until at the end of it all, a warrior of bushidō stood before them; his eyes unflinchingly fierce against his foes, his lips uttering an oath that he'd follow to the bitter end. However, all Teratoma could see was a naughty naughty monster who had hurt a lot of good people and for that, it deserved nothing less than... [color=fe2863][b]"oN mY fRiEnDs! yOu DiE!!"[/b][/color] The creature roared in its garbled voice as the youkai-shaped Anomaly charged headlong at the samurai-shaped Anomaly, [color=fe2863][b]"AaArRrRrGgHhHh!!"[/b][/color] Aiming to simply crush the spectral samurai back into the ooze it once came from! [@VitaVitaAR] [@Raineh Daze] [@Eisenhorn] [@OwO] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@PKMNB0Y] [@Psyker Landshark]