[@Rezod92]: Rejected. Reasoning is as follows: [list][*]Size. This thing's just way too big to work around, which would naturally force me to be exclusionary when it comes to scenarios. Anything in closed spaces indoors would thus have to be designed to accommodate something 8 meters tall (which is [i]huge[/i], obviously). [*]Being a purely mechanical entity. This is a fantasy world with fantasy elements, so repairing an existence like this would require magic capable of recreating and manipulating complex and delicate parts, at which point the character naturally gets outscaled because question of "why would we repair this when we could just make it [i]but better[/i]" starts to pop up. [*]Heavy reliance on firearms. In a world like this, you have no way of repairing ammunition stores without making it yourself or some external out-of-universe cheat method (at least when it comes to traditional firearms). This is [i]before[/i] we get into the problem of magic, because if you can't break through magic shields, you're a giant target that'll get blown to smithereens in no time. Anything else you could probably just bulldoze through, sure, but at that point there's either zero threat or the character may as well be DOA. No real in-between.[/list] Also, your image is broken, but that's an aside compared to the more pressing matters at hand.