[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LRt9Ofi.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] A Gaggle of Dipshits, and his Friends [/right][right][b][code]Isle of Cracks[/code][/b][/right][hr] [quote]”I apologize. I hope that from here on, the Coven and PRA can have a positive relationship."[/quote] [color=00ff98][i]I’ve seen conservative politicians lie better than that, Liao,[/i][/color] he thought to himself. He was willing to believe that there existed such a reality in which Meifeng genuinely felt bad about what she did. But he was not born yesterday, and Lila, being the only one really staring Stormy down intensely right now, would be able to see the subtle expression of… Unamusement on his face that no one else could. It was easy for him to keep things from strangers, but his friends were always very good at reading him like a kindergarten-level book. And he knew better than to believe that the PRA wanted a positive relationship with them. Police officers didn’t give a rat’s ass about having a positive relationship with the communities they regulated, prison guards couldn’t give a shit maintaining a positive relationship with inmates. It wasn’t in their job description to play nice with people, especially not when there wasn’t anyone around to hold them accountable. That was why Stormy decided to extend an olive branch to these people. Not to befriend them, but to know his enemy. His drink came by, a dark and stormy. The man who ordered it did so as a joke, hoping someone would pick up on just how absolutely masterful his sense of humor was. He took a contemplative sip of it and measured his words carefully, and professionally. [color=00ff98]”It is not my place to decide whether you should be forgiven. And I have no right to take you up on your offer. But, I’m glad you mention it… I was not present when you overstepped,”[/color] he explained factually, without any audible judgment. [color=00ff98]”But my understanding of your command structure is that you have a superior you answer to. Director Alcott, I believe their name is? Do they [i]allow[/i] you the freedom to maintain a [i]positive relationship[/i] with us? With Greenwood? 8th Street?”[/color] It was taking a monumental effort to be calm right now. When he first heard about the raid, Stormy was tempted to hop into his car and hunt them all down for sport, like something out of a movie. But there were more important things to worry about at the time. Similarly, there were things more important in the present moment than being outwardly hostile. Lila and Lynn were absolutely right. He could play nice with them, but under no circumstances was he going to be [i]friendly[/i] with them. [color=00ff98]”You were angry, because Kali Mahendra was killed. [i]We[/i] were angry because he was killed. Now, my friends can tell you that I be [i]irrational[/i] myself,”[/color] Stormy damn near tore Britney’s head clean off when he first saw her during the reunion... And when he learned about what she did a decade ago. [color=00ff98]”But… Was there not a better way to prove we were innocent? You are a government agency, you likely knew exactly where we were at the time of his death, every last one of us. And more importantly, you had to have known that we were all returning here for a reason, including Kali; An agent who our leader contacted.”[/color] He said all this as if he were presenting evidence in a court room. Not an accusation in sight, just cold, clinical observation. [color=00ff98]”Would [i]agent Mahendra[/i] not have reported that information to you? It stands to reason that, because you have- [i]had[/i] two of our former members working under you, your department would have known about our reunion long before we arrived.”[/color] There is something that goes unsaid, there: [i]You have no excuse.[/i] [color=00ff98]”So, I’m sure you can understand why your apology isn’t easy to believe.”[/color]