[center][h1][b][color=004b80]Henry Palmer[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] “We can fix this in an hour..” The tournament all things considered went well, admittedly he was annihilated in the semi-finals by someone who knows to actually play the game but being one win away from the finals is not bad, especially for someone who never touched his deck for months. His semi-final even blurted out advice for him to improve his deck, shame that he doesn’t have time to apply his ideas. [i][b][color=9e0039]“You should’ve really made steps to improve your deck!”[/color] [/b][/i] he remembered Beatrice whining as she left. She ordered him to follow the message he received to the letter, implying consequences if he didn’t follow. But does she need to break his window to prove the point? Just force choking his neck would make the message clearer and cause less property damage. He handed the payment to the repairman, at least he managed to make her shoulder the repairs for her house. Small mercies. [hr] Henry takes another sip of coffee as he walks to the gate of the cemetery. He is the type to wake early instead of sleeping late, which makes him rely on the substances to stay awake. He wasn’t the first person to arrive though, there was a guy that he saw to be one of the participants of the tournament who came first, is that going to be a pattern? Then waiting in front of the gate was the tournament’s champion, her name was Al-something? She used that very complicated and definitely expensive Link Deck. He had given up on the game when they introduced Pendulums to be honest. Taking his time to observe her mannerisms, he noticed a few things. She was waiting for him or at the very least, he is one of the people she is waiting for which means she knew more about this ‘side-quest’ than he did. Deciding that there is nothing to lose, he approached the blue-haired girl. [color=004b80]“So why did you know why we’re here? This place was a terrible spot to play a card game due to you, respecting the dead thing.”[/color] he asked while taking another sip of coffee.