Jen would follow the servant to the kitchen. She didn’t seem too pleased with either his appearance or his goal. There in front of him lay a pile of dirtied pots, pans, and other tools that would be useful in his quest to make a better dinner. He’d turn around to see that the annoyed servant had abandoned him to his fate. [color=aec957]“Hey-” [/color] So this was the price to upgrade their meal. Jen didn’t waste time grumbling as he’d save that after washing everything the second time. It would be right there and then that he would call upon the full strength of his abilities to plow through the clean-up before properly starting. The Taste-man’s sense of pride propelled him through the drudgery of cleaning. Jen would throw some chopped vegetables he acquired and throw them into a pot. Jen would then return to his bowl of potatoes and begin mixing it with some flour to make some well-seasoned croquettes with the chicken as the filling. To accompany the croquettes, he made a sweet, spicy, and slightly tangy sauce to dip them which would be served in a communal bowl to add to their plates. Hours later Jen would find himself rudely awakening to being face-first on the floor. His companion’s attempts to wake him up had succeeded. Perhaps a little too strongly. [color=aec957] "What’s the matter? Ehh let’s just go.”[/color] Jen answered as he rubbed his head while standing up. It was clear that this was an urgent situation of some danger and really all he needed to know at the moment was who they were fighting and their current plan. He followed Týfurkh and found himself in the company of the others. It was there they’d be greeted by one of the servants. She was one of those Nhatkelese like the ones they encountered in Shimmertown. He wondered what connection she might have with other Natjier and why she considered killing them. [color=aec957]So another fair-weather ally? Fine, whatever, let's get these bangles off and get out of here if this place is as swarmed with bad guys like you say.” [/color]