[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240301/afc2e4e091f5e77155a2bde75504f79e.png[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Oh, you know. [/right][right][b][code]Cracker Barrel[/code][/b][/right][hr] While Sloane and Anya had somehow managed to inhale four drinks individually, as if they were Drake and Sully, Jack had only gotten halfway through a single drink. As someone who frequently teleported, he tried not to get too drunk- Don’t drink and drive, don’t drink and teleport. Jack listened intently as Sloane explained that she almost ran into Drake, and how she didn’t understand why things were allowed to be so shitty without intervention. Truly, Drake hadn’t changed, and he was always an ass. Though, perhaps there was a world in which the same old Drake from years past was not a bad thing. It certainly wasn’t the one where his wife was dead, however. [color=6644ff]”Nothing is permanent, my drunken friend,”[/color] he said, cryptically, before Sloane stood up deciding not to think about a damn thing other than their own amusement for the night. Jack grinned behind the veil of his magic and cheap costume. [color=6644ff]”Yes, of course. Let’s go.”[/color] They teleported out, and Jack was conveniently the only one that didn’t feel heavily nauseous upon arrival. When they walked out into the open, a small part of him died. Sully, Drake, Vashti and Emily [i]fucking[/i] Reed were dancing in a conga line. The Greek gods of yesteryear were making merry with a dinosaur and some redheaded person. Jack was speechless. And not in a good way. It was so foolish, and it was just like Drake and Sully to act like total dumbasses. But… That was not the same man that he saw at Dairy Queen a week ago. Not the man who almost cut Jack’s head off when he reappeared in Shimmer. He hadn’t changed in any way at all, had he? Not for better, not for worse. The only reason he didn’t stop and lament about the future of the coven for the second time in his life was because Anya had gotten his attention. [color=6644ff]”Yes, of course. Both of you, close your eyes. It will help with the jump.”[/color] He waited a second for them to do as instructed, and whisked them away again. Once they were near Sloane’s stall, Jack let them both go about their business. [color=6644ff]”Here we are. I suggest waiting before asking for another teleport, unless you want to experience tomorrow’s hangover tonight,”[/color] He said, right before falling silent… Something told him he’d need to talk some sense into Drake personally.