[indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/i1TTgTI.png[/img] [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4&pp=ygULbG9uZSBkaWdnZXI%3D[/youtube][/hider][/center][right][h1][color=C67C12]Leon[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=C67C12]Mentions: [color=ffffff]Ft. [@Atrophy][/color] |[/color] [color=C67C12]Direct Dialogue: [color=#FF0000]T[/color][color=#FF4C00]h[/color][color=#FF9900]e[/color] [color=#CBFF00]W[/color][color=#7FFF00]h[/color][color=#32FF00]o[/color][color=#00FF19]l[/color][color=#00FF66]e[/color] [color=#00FEFF]T[/color][color=#00B2FF]o[/color][color=#0065FF]g[/color][color=#0019FF]a[/color][color=#3200FF]-[/color][color=#7F00FF]C[/color][color=#CC00FF]o[/color][color=#FF00E5]n[/color][color=#FF0098]g[/color][color=#FF004C]a[/color] |[/color] [color=C67C12]Location:[/color] Festival Grounds, Cracker Island Historic District [/sub][/right][hr] [/indent]Long legs strode toward raucous noise in the short distance, boot covered feet covered by half a night gown held at the waist by a belt. The top portion folded down, the limbs dangled behind him across the ground, and Leon was strutting with the might and poise of a circus ringleader as the pack of Greenwood members poured through the alleys of the festival. His ears, adjusting with the ethereal energy of Lady Lelou, began to pick out individual voices as they drew closer and closer with each extension and retraction of those tree trunk-like legs. He didn't realize until then that he was smiling. Not just that, but widely, like a kid who knew a surprise party was coming but managed to hold it in all day until it had to be released. He heard people congregating and being jovial, and couldn't help but think to himself that it was just what the doctor ordered! No worrying about his siblings, or how Mom was feeling about things. Hell, she'd probably be just as likely to jump into some kind of cross-coven revelry if she were to see it, I mean... It was great news! Unity, cooperation, love and understanding under the banner of New Light in the dawn of Eden! He felt like Jesus, undaunted as he drove his body headlong toward the cross to absolve the sins of Adept-Kind. Leon's mind imagined his Father's face as the words got louder and louder in his ears. The biggest man he'd ever known, a seven foot-two raven haired blue eyed Orange Lux powered juggernaut that was his Dad, cheering at him with veins in his neck buldging and those two massive hamhock fists balled up tightly. He was screaming it, fully in unison with the small crowd that had gathered up in that clearing between the midway and the Ferry Docks. He had true fun in his eyes and his voice as he shouted: [h3][i]Toga, toga, toga-[/i][/h3] The corner was coming soon. He'd be within visual range of them. It sounded like they were all facing him. [h2][i]-Toga, TOGA-[/i][/h2] [color=C67C12][i]Here it comes![/i][/color] [h1][color=C67C12][b][i]“TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA!”[/i][/b][/color][/h1] His massive frame burst from around the corner of a nearby booth, but Leon already knew who he was looking for. That goofy face he'd known for so long was staring back at him like the last day they'd seen one another. His eyes welled with pride to see the sight before him; the Maestro de Bacchanal, the Mardi Gras Mauler, the King of Keg Killing. He'd heard he was back in town, but frankly after they'd left off, Leon didn't want to come to Sully from the same moral high ground he'd stood on before. Before he had been slapped with the responsibility of Lady Lelou, Leon had been far more heavy-handed in his beliefs and opinions. It was time to fix that. People were dying, and he never wanted to regret missing the Little Brother he chose rather than the little brothers he was given. As he joined in on the chant, he pointed directly at Sully. [color=C67C12][b][i]“Dionysus, your Brother Ares wishes to REVEL!”[/i][/b][/color] [color=goldenrod]"Le..."[/color] There was a moment of hesitation from Sully, impossible to tell if it was just drunken sluggardiness or something else, and then a toga was launched towards Leon. [color=goldenrod]"Yes brother! Come drink and make merry with us! [b]Toga! Toga! Toga![/b]"[/color] [color=darkcyan]"Hey, bro! You can squeeze in here,"[/color] hollered Vashti, indicating to the space between herself and Emily. [color=C67C12][i]Holy shit, that's seriously Vashti Nour and Emily G. Reed...[/i][/color] A deep part of Leon's body had already gripped ahold of him and his psyche... Or, it wasn't him. [color=a36209][i]"Warm blood and bone; flesh on flesh, my carnal beast. My pleasure cries for your attention, Leon... Indulge... Release me."[/i][/color] His flesh was at once riddled with goosebumps as he ripped at the cloth surrounding his body. The shirt split in two, the dates of his fight tour on the back fluttering to the ground as he began to wrap this long white cloth around himself in the fashion his father had taught him. As the cloth covered him and he slipped into the spot in front of the Bitch of St. Portwell herself, he gave the same inhuman strength over toward ripping his loose fitting nightgown out from under his belt along with the baggy burlap pants that went with the getup. For a second, he'd accidentally exposed Emily to the entire harvest moon before he managed to tuck the toga between his ass and the belt above it, then settled into the motion of the Toga. His hand reached over Vashti, patting Drake on the shoulder. [color=C67C12]"Fucking ZOOOOOOOS!"[/color] he shouted, raising his fist. [color=C67C12][b]"Toga! Toga! Toga! Toga!"[/b][/color] [hr] [indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xTNKsa5.png[/img] [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5YzsBC0Ffk&pp=ygUUd29yc3QgYmVoYXZpb3IgZHJha2U%3D[/youtube][/hider][/center][right][h1][color=f49ac2]Edict[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=f49ac2]Mentions: [color=#FF0000]T[/color][color=#FF7500]h[/color][color=#FFEB00]e[/color] [color=#27FF00]T[/color][color=#00FF4E]o[/color][color=#00FFC4]g[/color][color=#00C4FF]a[/color] [color=#2700FF]L[/color][color=#9C00FF]i[/color][color=#FF00EB]n[/color][color=#FF0075]e[/color] |[/color] [color=f49ac2]Direct Dialogue: [color=CD5C5C]Linqian Han/[@FernStone],[/color] [color=f4eb93]Britney Williams/[@Punished GN],[/color] [color=7ABBFF]Layla Hyacinthus/[@Estylwen][/color] |[/color] [color=f49ac2]Location:[/color] Festival Grounds, Cracker Island Historic District [/sub][/right][hr] [/indent] They were walking just fine... Everything had been [i]just fine[/i]! But she had to be a little snoop, she had to go taking a picture! Now she was getting roped into something that none of them had expected her to get roped into this close to the front of Cracker Town: A multi-coven Conga line! You know who banned conga lines? The Cuban government! Why, one may ask? Because more often than not the drunken lines would become disorderly moshes that almost always devolved into significantly more dangerous levels of chaos and violence depending on who was involved. And right now, Leon was converging on the pack to be reunited among his drunken kinsmen in Sully McPherson and Drake [i]fucking[/i] Blackmore. Jocks. The Jock Squad. His hand tensed on the release for his gun, imagining the instant and total devastation the magical bullets would wreak upon the half drunk and totally unaware cast of nimrods. Wasn't there a murderer on the loose? It was fine, he felt, that he didn't care: As long as it wasn't him, why would he ever care? Instead, the people who should've been most aware and alert were getting the most foolish. A gaggle of other people were not far behind Leon, including Adora Phoenix-Prescott, whom he was almost sure was going to get into some kind of conflict with Linqian who was bound to start it. He had to get her out of there. But his head swiveled. Britney was there. It was going to be okay. [color=f49ac2]"Any ideas on how we get her out of this without getting sucked in?"[/color] he asked to one side at Layla, then the other at Sabrina and Britney. If it didn't end in an all-out war, he didn't know what the next move was; not even a little bit.