[center][h1]Assassin[/h1][/center] [i][color=fff200]"Jekyll. Jekyll. Jeeeeekyll. Hey, asshole!"[/color][/i] Assassin was pointedly ignoring his lesser half as he scanned the surroundings, discreetly moving along the paths towards the church. A woman had stood out before departing for the main route, though he had not had the time to seriously analyze her, especially if he wanted to avoid drawing unwelcome gazes and attention so soon into the goings on. He had been lingering around the edges of the church, watching for both his Master, as well as others that stood out as such, one figure that stood out had otherwise concealed himself decently well. Scarification had stood out on his hands, something that was just not normal as far as he had gathered. He recognized a sign of magecraft when he saw it, even if the good Doctor himself had been far from what one might consider a practitioner in any formal regard. For his part, Hyde seemed to notice that Jekyll had finally clued in and mouthed off, mentally, once again. [i][color=fff200]"About time you perked up to him Doc, you make for a real poor lapdog. Got mages both outside and inside, sure I can't take over for a few to clean things up early?"[/color][/i] [color=8dc73f][i]"And let you defile not just the concept of this war, but who knows how many innocents along the way? Absolutely not, furthermore..."[/i][/color] Jekyll's intent to lecture his lesser half was interrupted by the mental signal of his Master, who bid him return, ideally sane. An annoyed feeling emanated from Hyde, though the general calmness and lack of true danger made it unlikely for the man, and Jekyll used that term very sparingly, to get a solid grasp on the control of their shared form. Assassin began making their way back to intercept and reunite with Rumi, falling in step beside her before speaking on the mental wavelength they shared. No sense letting eavesdroppers of any sort catch wind of what might be passed along in terms of information. Assassin was just physically far away enough to not be easy to peg as a companion of Rumi's, while still being present enough to act on a moment's notice and allow his Master to be keenly aware of his arrival. [i][color=8dc73f]<"Master, fortunately for us both it is far too civil for my lesser half to even care to reach for control. There are Masters already present in the Church itself, and one likely one along his way as well. No overt signs of Servants outside the church as of yet, it seems the others intend to maintain civility until this War formally begins.">[/color][/i] [i][color=fff200]<"Yeah, Doc here was opposed to getting the drop on anyone so soon and break that civility. Came trotting back along like a good little bitch to the Master's beck and call.">[/color][/i] Much to Jekyll's annoyance, exposure to modern slang and media, brief as it was, was having a stark influence on Hyde's vocabulary. At least in the Victorian era he was at least well spoken, now he was little better than some poor soul living in destitution and poverty. Still, while Jekyll maintained a firm grip on the control of their shared body, there was little to be done for keeping the mental presence of Hyde, ever present and ever crass, from mouthing off and manifesting himself. A small mercy that he was content to just run his metaphorical mouth. Still, it was a downside of this particular Assassin, though not being one of the classical ones had its strengths as well, at least one would hope. [@Psyker Landshark]