Hildegunde watches Chunji go, giving a low hum as he exits the classroom. His words hang in the air, heavy on Hildegunde's shoulders, even though she was not the subject of them. [color=007236]"If you're sure, professor,"[/color] the hunter says simply, shrugging her shoulders all too casually. Chunji had more or less said what she had on the mind, and seeing no reason to stick around or add insult to injury, she follows suite and exits the classroom. The original plan was simple. She was hungry before class, and hungrier now still; she would leave to eat in the precious few minutes left. But without particularly meaning to have at first, Hildegunde finds herself following Chloe, a few dozen paces ahead of her. With her usual aversion to the girl now overpowered by pity and confusion, the hunter's curiousity wins over her hunger. She retains her distance and follows the misty eyed girl, so as to give herself plausible deniability that she is not following if noticed. All the while, she tries to make sense of three things: 1) Where Chloe is headed off to 2) If she should even approach Chloe And, more importantly 3) What the hell she was going to do next once and if she actually approached. Or, more aptly, how to talk to her without further angering her and getting pruned. Her mind draws a blank. For now, she simply observes, all while pretending she has elsewhere to go.