[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231108/f93ba5f96cecd177ca78468c60714d23.png[/img][/center][hr] Tyler was not, as anyone even briefly acquainted with him could attest, at home in any institutions of higher learning. Academia was boring and composed of out of touch weirdos, who all said insane things you would never hear anyone in the real world actually say. And they'd look at you like an idiot for not agreeing. He didn't care how many slap-fights these nerds allegedly got into, he didn't belong here. The revelation that Lucas had been accepted here was just the cherry on top of the sundae; if they all acted like [i]him[/i], Tyler might be the one starting fistfights instead. While not particularly threatened by the initial swarm of fans, he did his best to keep himself between any squealing sycophants and Lucas. Pictures were fine - he knew this venture wouldn't be able to avoid publicity - but why did they always feel the need to try and touch? He'd grabbed plenty of Scion over his career by now, and he'd yet to receive any blessings of good luck. Quite the opposite, actually, and he doubted a bunch of researchers and overeager students would enjoy always living in the midst of interesting times the way he did. Once past the crowds, Tyler allowed himself to relax. A hoity-toity university was exactly the place heresy would spread, if you asked him, but none of the bookworms they passed struck him as particularly threatening. Not that he didn't openly stare at anyone that wandered too close regardless. When they arrived at their destination only to find it uninhabited, he sighed. [color=00ccff]"Probably teaching a class, isn't that his job?"[/color] Tyler offered cluelessly. Lucas had probably told him the man's field of study several times already, but he couldn't recall for the life of him whether it sounded like something practical or if it was theoretical arcanodynamics or something equally made-up. Maybe he was in a lab or something. [color=00ccff]"Bit impolite to keep a Scion waiting, and a prince besides. Sacrelige, even. Do I get to start kicking down doors or do you have other ideas?"[/color] At least, he hoped this tenured prick was just being flippant with his time and not kidnapped by the cult, because that would probably kill whatever sense of control the Scions had left, not to mention set a horrible precedent for any possible links to Theodore they had. [hr]