[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wPyT7ht.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] Night [color=E77298]Location:[/color] The edge of Lover's Lake [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/0f/a2/4f/0fa24fc30e829f9b2d9d3451bb96b13a.jpg]Dress[/url], A crown of various flowers [color=E77298]Interaction:[/color] [@Lava Alckon] Farim [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir [/color] [hr][color=lightgray] Anastasia's enthusiasm bubbled over as she enthusiastically agreed, [color=E77298]"Yes! My hands are soft!"[/color] Her infectious energy only amplified as they approached Munir. [color=ffce00] "Lady Anastasia... I see you have taken a liking to my dear cousin... I hope that means I would get to see you around, and perhaps one day in Alidasht. Your presence is always a welcoming sight. "[/color] Munir had then said to Farim before she could reply, [color=ffce00]"Cousin. Yes. I saw her. She was here. She spoke to me... I...I miss her..."[/color] [color=E77298]"Hi Munir!"[/color] She chirped and gave him a brief hug before addressing his earlier words [color=E77298] "Yeah your cousin's freakin awesome. Adore him! And I'd love to visit you boys in the Alidasht any time."[/color] Anastasia wondered if that meant Munir had also hallucinated a dead person. Curiosity piqued, she scanned the surroundings, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of ethereal apparitions. But then, she noticed the kaleidoscope of colors around her as she waved her head back and forth in tune with the drums. A stupid smile crossed her face that didn't dissipate until the stern voice of a guard cutting through the ambient filled the air. She looked over with interest as he announced Lady Violet Damien was missing. [color=E77298] "Oh noooo... What if the people who attacked Calbert's house took Lady Violet?"[/color] she wondered aloud, her voice carrying her concern. [/color]