Gertrude frowned. An interrogation already? Damn old bat. She didn't want to play this game just to pursue a new avenue of study, but she was at least willing to do the bare minimum to alleviate the boredom. She crashed unceremoniously into the chair and slung her legs over the armrest, turning her head sideways in order to engage with the Hundi. "I don't think I have the answer you want. I'm bored, and I want to learn something useful and new. I think it would be fun to summon up creatures to do things for me that I don't want to do." Gertrude crossed one leg over the other, and rested her cheek on her palm, never breaking eye contact. "Anyways, if it's risky, what better place to pick it up than in Merilia's deathless wonderland? Who knows, the risk might even prove exciting enough to kick this ennui."