[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231117/4397e947d9496e89a02a516a94d678c6.png[/img][/center][hr]The attention at l'École was welcome, especially since Maya had spent the entire trip resolutely refusing to speak to Edmund, Prince Lucas was a downer, and the new guy looked like a creep. She eased back into her old routine more readily than even she expected; likely helped by the fact that nobody here wore masks or hoods, but she’d also admit that the attention felt [i]good[/i] after so long in the dark. She took lots of pictures and made lots of small talk, and only moments after gracefully taking her leave, her phone was dinging with Instagram notifications. Not too bad for a day’s work, and they only just got here! Similarly, while she couldn’t say she had much interest in the mana studies guy, the university atmosphere was kinda… nice. The hush that fell over the halls as they ventured deeper into the campus was reminiscent of her time in school, drowning out the entire world as she pored over astronomic maps and handwritten charts framed in equations that took up multiple pages. It was exhausting when she did it, and she’d never want to go back, but it was strangely nostalgic to recall those times. When their initial search for Dr. Rhaveus failed, Maya’s reaction was similar to Tyler’s. [color=7041A5]“Impolite is one word for it,”[/color] she muttered, eyes flicking to a small group of students who were approaching down the hall. [color=7041A5]“Excuse me?”[/color] she called sweetly to them, smiling and waving an arm. When none of the nerds looked up from their little nerd conversation, her smile faltered. [color=7041A5]“Hey!”[/color] The second, louder call got one of the dweebs’ attention, the young man starting at the sound and then again when he finally saw the assembly of Holy Ones right in front of him. His cheeks turned red, and Maya’s smile resurfaced as sweet as honey. [color=7041A5]“You wouldn’t happen to know where Dr. Rhaveus’ class is, would you?”[/color] she asked winsomely. The student blinked, cleared his throat, and pointed back the way he came. [color=gray]“Oh, well his class is over now, but it was in room L105. He might still be there, if you’re looking for him.”[/color] [color=7041A5]“Thank you very much,”[/color] Maya replied, promptly leading the group down the indicated path. The hallway led to an intersection, where a plaque on the wall pointed them in the direction of L105. However, upon turning the corner, Maya let out a tiny yelp of surprise and leaped back behind the wall, peering hesitantly around the corner. She groped behind her, looking for Edmund. [color=7041A5][i]“They knew we were coming,”[/i][/color] she whispered, a barely-audible hiss. Down the hall, a pair of uniformed men stood guard outside one of the classrooms - from the numbering on the unguarded doors, it was likely L105. They weren’t armed, but their dress and the emblem on their jackets denoted them as Kaudian. The hall was otherwise deserted. From the open door between them, a conversation could be heard. [color=coral]“I am so pleased to have finally gotten the chance to talk with you, Dr. Rhaveus,”[/color] came one voice, tinted with an accent Maya knew to be Kaudian. [color=coral]“Your theories of mana inheritance have interested me for a long time, but I never thought I’d get the opportunity to have my questions answered.”[/color] [color=FFD187]“Oh, of course, Your Excellency,”[/color] said a second voice, thinner but more animated. Presumably, this was Dr. Rhaveus. [color=FFD187]“I’m afraid I don’t have the time for a more thorough dive, but you’ll be interested to know that one of Princess Consort Lilie’s journals on the subject is actually kept in the archives here. The original is under glass, of course, but they have some transcripts you can borrow if you’d like to learn more from a primary source.”[/color] [color=coral]“I’ll be sure to do just that,”[/color] the first voice replied, getting clearer as it spoke. It seemed he was nearing the door. [color=coral]“I won’t keep you any longer. Good day, and thank you again.”[/color] The guards straightened, and a shadow fell across the door. [hr][right][@Hero] [@webboysurf] [@McMolly][/right]