The sudden interruption by a new creature- Impmon- caused Yui to raise an eyebrow. A dinosaur, a walking and talking lizard head, and now a little demon? This was all so weird, but it beat the crap out of being at work. "Anyways, the village," Kuro said, clearing his throat. "Let's get moving." Kuro began leading the group. As they walked, the forest began to become more sparse. Kuro spoke little, and Yui was just fine with that. Soon the group came to a small river, and Kuro followed it downstream until they came to a bridge. Yui could see the village now, but was surprised by what she saw. The vast majority of the creatures moving about were little more than heads hopping around. As the group drew closer, the Digimon of the village noticed the humans. Murmurs spread through the village, until all of the hopping heads crowded around the group. They were curious and excited, and wanted to figure out what the new visitors were. Kuro's lips tugged upwards into a smile. "Alright, calm down, calm down. Where's Jijimon and Babamon?"