[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qSXKgkY.png[/img] [sub][@Nanaya][@AThousandCurses][@Psyker Landshark][/sub][/center] [b]“Show me wonders of this world.”[/b] ... When the students of Classroom 104 returned from their own ventures inside Ascendia, they would snap back to reality to find a door standing eerily beside the window. The door’s knob rattled, turned, and then swung open, briefly revealing a space of swirling stars and invented curiousities before three individuals emerged from it. One was the paladin, the raw power of the divine still leaking off her form. The other was the Strigidae, that cold-eyed arbiter who had stood upon the stage just yesterday, who decided their fates. And the third? Hauled behind Otis Tan Arillo was a buffoon wrapped in chains, shivering in what could only be described as abject terror from the mental torments that the Paladin and Strigidae no doubt put him through. But clearly, there was nothing wrong enough about this for the professor to intervene, and instead, it was Otis who spoke up first, his voice ringing clearly. [b]“This person here was found while tracing the leyline that you all consumed in order to reach Ascendia. Did any of you see or sense his presence in there?”[/b] Just a simple, clear question, and one that, once answered, prompted no further reaction from Otis as he continued to drag Davil out of the classroom. There was no sign, indeed, that the chains he caught his roommate in were going to be dispelled. No sign, even, that he would bring Davil over to the clinic. Rather, he re-entered Classroom 103, significantly more empty now. Rio was gone, and Chloe too. Wasn’t a surprise that Ciara was gone, and as such, Hildegunde being gone wasn’t unquestionable either. [b]“I found him.”[/b] Otis gestured towards Davil. There was no sense of smugness in the way the amber-eyed savant did this, but there was a sense of [i]demand[/i], a scientific curiosity aflame. [b]“Instructor Alto, this is interesting to me. Who can you refer me to in order to investigate this further? You must have learned how to perform the Leyline Overcharge from someone else, yes? Who was it?”[/b]