Observe and note. It seemed his line of reasoning was pessimistic. Otis and Iraleth had successfully retrieved a unwounded Davil from the leyline which meant that Chunji's presence was no longer needed. Having not entered the room, Chunji left without a sound and passed by Room 103. The bright light that shined in 104 shined the same in 103. Chunji didn't know why Otis chose to return back to the room, but it was a situation that didn't matter to him. As soon as Chunji left the building, he staggered a bit. The loss of blood was getting to him, but he could persevere until the Attunement Ceremony ended. There wasn't much time left, so it was quite pointless to run back to the dorms to change into more suitable clothing. His spell had cleaned off most of the grime and he didn't break much of a sweat during the fight. That left him in the odd situation of spending the few minutes he had left. It left him with time to reflect on his day. Bonding with his classmates was an extremely hard tasks. All, except Iraleth to an extent, had drastically different personalities that Chunji found difficult to interact with. Combining the fact he had one of the most green teachers he had in his life, Chunji felt that the journey head was a lot more rockier than he had expected. Alto said that it was the 'leyline attunement zone.' Was the attunement going to take place in an overcharged leyline? He could have searched for it with Ethos, but he wanted refrain from straining it too much. "Dayin." In the next moment his Adapa appeared. "Tell me of your functions." In the next few moments, he would familarize himself with the Adapa while he waited. Other than essence mail and the other function, was it possible to utilize the Adapa for something else? Either way, it would good use of his time understanding how it worked.