[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Iraleth wiped a bead of sweat off her brow as they emerged from Otis's Door. Lending him so much strength had winded her ever so slightly for the moment, but it was nothing she wouldn't be able to recover with a bit of rest. Compared to the previous day's expenditure of invoking her Ethos at full strength for nearly an entire hour, it was a drop in the bucket. Still, rescuing Davil proved one thing: Professor Alto had been wrong as to Davil's safety. Again. Really, one could assume the man was [i]deliberately[/i] trying to get him killed at this point. The alternative was ignorance, and considering how much Alto seemed to know of ley lines, that boded extremely poorly should it hold true. The half-elf accompanied Otis back towards 103, an eyebrow raised in judgement at his choice of dragging Davil, chains and all. It was true that it was likely best for Davil to not move so much under his own power until he was treated at the clinic, but this manner of movement still risked some sort of injury for someone with broken ribs not too long ago. She kept an eye on Davil as Otis questioned the professor, waiting for him to finish before looking back towards the Strigdae. [b]"Otis."[/b] Iraleth said flatly, her arms folded across her chest. [b]"If you'd care to release him?"[/b] She gestured towards Davil. [b]"He still needs medical attention. If I must, I'll take him to the clinic myself."[/b] [@ERode]