[center][hider=Author's Note] Little bit shorter addition this week because I got a late start and some errands relly burnt me out, but enjoy!! [/hider] [h2][b]R1:E1: We're going on a [s]bear[/s] squatch hunt[/b][/h2] [img]https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/icegif-553.gif[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/wxAZfLenfa0?si=l6Wvk-_hseex14Dx]{ ♪ ♫ ♪ }[/url][/center] [indent]As you leave the sight of your cabin behind you, your phone finally falls silent of its own accord, determining that you have missed the alarm and no amount of screaming at you will convince you to shut it off. Leisurely, you roam into the darkness of the woodland surrounding you, the late morning sun meaning little with the thick canopy of foliage above. A light fog still hangs in the air, swirling just above the ground and dancing with the fallen leaves and lichen that cover the forest floor in a sea of white. Your eyes scan through the flow mass as it moves, ebbing and flowing and breaking away to show rocks and twigs scattered among the dirt and grass. Here and there, you stop, pushing aside various bits of nature to take a closer look.[/indent] [center][h2][b]R1:E1: Hey what's that?[/b][/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/577859824721592320/1218311434799415356/image.png?ex=660733f1&is=65f4bef1&hm=7eb31203c2f4f627373857190078e6704c4278748f7eb152b6eeeafad5196f72&[/img][/center] [indent]You soon come to a small pile of twigs and leaves, and quickly spot a clump of brown fur among the debris. The fur is coarse and matted together, the stench of it almost bringing your eyes to water. There is no doubt in your mind. Bigfoot was here. You bring the fibers up to Shelly, allowing the slimy creature to take in the smell as her little antennae-like appendages poke and prod the follicles. Soon enough, Shelly gives a light trill of a whistle. She has the scent. Tucking the hairs away, you remove Shelly from your shoulder and set her down in the moist dirt. With another trill, the gastropod takes off in an instant, speeding away and leaving behind and thick trail of mucus that shines in the dappling light of the sun breaking through the trees. Without much of a second thought, you take off after your slippery friend, sticking true to the gleaming path she's made.[/indent]