[h2]Overseer[/h2] "Not much," the woman said, gesturing at the church, "The Lucias have been keeping the church in order, and there isn't much call for pastoral support in this backwater town. But that's not what you're asking about. "Four of the Masters have introduced themselves, and two of those might be choosing to keep themselves hidden. As for the last... well, you came just in time," the woman said, knocking back more of the cheap brew, "It seems that the last Servant in this war was only summoned tonight. Exactly on schedule, but it's not surprising if our last Master hasn't made it yet." [hr] [h2]Caster[/h2] "Tonight? Something light, perhaps," the flouncy blonde said, keeping her voice lowered for once to not be overheard over at the other end of the nave--fortunately, this building wasn't [i]quite[/i] so echoey as the churches they had visited across Rome. "It is of no concern to me, but if the fighting starts immediately, I would hate to see you forced to run around on something too heavy." She rubbed her thumb on the back of her Master's hand, more as a distraction to herself--all this [i]waiting[/i] and planning was annoying; if another Master and Servant was here then why should she not introduce herself fully and properly? Even this slight skulduggery of hiding her presence was aggravating, this technical violation of neutral ground. Not that she would ever let a Master come to harm here, should they be a worthy opponent, where would the excitement be in that? But getting to see the Masters now--that would make finding them on a suitable battlefield later easier, somewhere she could show her true brilliance. That would be worth it.