[quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] And DM Post is finally up! XD I have finally revealed D5!!!! :lol Literally me at the Beginning of the Game after Brutrumukk was introduced, while looking ahead in the module.. Me: So...Brutrumukk likes to behead people and put the heads on pikes? Module: I'm about to ruin this character's whole career! [/quote] Yeah, I thought I noticed something weird going on when I saw the map. I was like "Are those trees and do they have faces?" Now I know. ... now I know. (Also are we still in initiative? If so, who's turn is it?) [hr] Also, I hope you all realise once Jub gets access to the spell Sending, he's mostly going to use it to call for the other party members when he and Brutrumukk get in trouble. Jub, using Sending while running away from a fight: HEEEEY Aurora. For no particular reason, where you at right now? Aurora: ... what have you done? Jub: NOTHING! We just... really want to see you all... right now... Aurora: *sighs*