Rising from her chair, Topsy moved about, humming to herself as she began to collect her things, 'Miss Topsy' still in hand. [color=00aeef]"Those damn Brits, thinking they can just flutter over here with their problem...it's like the Second World War...or the Wizardry War...or...was it the Dragon Wars? You know what I mean Topsy?"[/color] She asks to the rabbit, which only wiggled it's ears in rebuttal. [color=00aeef]"Right you are. No respect for the American way....not that it matters I suppose...." [/color] She muttered to herself, thinking back to the woman who blew kisses to her in the crowd. It had really turned her stomach in a most peculiar way. Whatever nonsense the Brits had gotten themselves into, they were leaving her to sort it out. Probably because her own people viewed her as a nut case. To be fair, they weren't far off, a witch putting on a show for muggles? To Topsy it seemed all well and good, though simple and crude, No-Maj had all sorts of fun inventions. Firearms aside. Grabbing for her wand, she muttered an incantation, letting the lock of the makeup drawer fall open. She pulled out a small hand purse from her makeup drawer, and began to sort through it. She pulled out a small box of .44 caliber ammo, and set her revolver down. Cheating as it might be, she figured she might bring a bit of home with her along the way, setting 'Miss Topsy' down as she stowed the items away, grabbing a small bag of alchemical ingredients, and her own assortment of wizardry tools. They really should have called her ahead of time with this sort of nonsense, now her entire schedule was up in a free-fall. Not like the wizarding world cared about the livelihood of a single witch. They were going to owe her for this. But she'd have to think of how they could pay her.... She lifted up her hat, muttering another incantation about the rim, letting the enchantment take hold, then moved down to do the same to her fishnets. She wasn't about to be caught unawares, especially with death eater nonsense on her mind. She gave a pause, and moved to retrieve a carrot for her bunny, and gingerly set it down for Miss Topsy to enjoy. Her eyes went back to her robes, then to her far more attractive stage coat. She never liked the whole 'robe and staff' business of wizards. Too traditional for her liking. No no, if she could buy herself some time by looking like a random discount corner store magician, then that's what she'd do. Show those uptight death eater folks what an American Witch was really capable of. She grabbed for it, and settled it against her chair. Then, with handbag in tow, she sat atop her trunk, and awaited these two, wondering if they were going to try and pull rank on her, or be actual civil folk who would humbly ask for her help. She had a strong feeling it would be the former. [@Posh Raven][@MightyHorus]