I watched an episode of "The Gentlemen". Something Guy Ritchie made [s]twice for some reason[/s] (like Sherlock Holmes and the fucking awful live action Aladdin apparently.) Because people said it was good. (Looking into it, he supposedly only made two episodes of this show.) And uh...the first episode is every single western media plot that's ever been made. You have a dying father. Drugs and drug-use. An asshole loser brother character. Sarcastic "witty" dialogue conversations. Every characters an asshole. There's a will that drives the conflict of episode. And some random ass bullshit happens for normies to find quirky. (That being watching someone dressed in a chicken suit sing.) And someone is killed for a cliffhanger. It was obnoxious and not particularly engaging. If you like this, you'll like any show that's been made in the past ten years. I watched Succession for longer.