[hider=Ella R. Brooks] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/YueL3TS.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpJF3w0ruWM[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"Be the light in the darkness! Share your brightness with everyone!"[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/00HLFvv.jpeg[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=e77fbf]Ella Rene Brooks[/color] [color=e77fbf]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=e77fbf] 26[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=e77fbf]African-American[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=e77fbf]5’9”[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=e77fbf]167lbs [/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=e77fbf]Radiant[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=e77fbf]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"So in Sailor Moon R episode 8, during the school festival, about fifteen minutes in she-"[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][color=e77fbf][b]Anime Knowledge ⫻[/b][/color] Being a massive weeb, Ella has in depth knowledge of many anime - with a particular speciality in magical girl ones. But she watches all sorts of genres, always trying to keep up with the popular anime of the season even if she isn’t into it. If you want to know what anime to watch, just ask her, she has recommendations for everything. Don’t know what anime a character is from? Ask Ella, she’ll know. She spent more time watching anime than she did studying or doing literally anything else with her life. [color=e77fbf][b]Quote Memorisation ⫻[/b][/color] Ella has a very good memory when it comes to quotes. After a few watches of an episode she’ll be spouting all sorts of quotes from it. She probably remembers more anime quotes than she does actually useful information. [color=e77fbf][b]Sewing ⫻[/b][/color] Before the Stygian Snake, Ella had another nerdy hobby - cosplaying! She’d make all sorts of anime outfits for herself and her friends… Which she doesn’t really have to do anymore because she can transform her clothes, but it’s still fun! [color=e77fbf][b]Art ⫻[/b][/color] Ella is quite artistic, and has gotten quite good at drawing. Normally she draws in an anime style inspired by the ones she enjoys watching. A lot of her art is of characters and… relationships between characters. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][color=e77fbf][b] Appearance[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"What’s the point in wearing something if it doesn’t look cute?"[/i] [indent]Ella’s bright cheerfulness is visible in all aspects of her appearance - from her wide smile to her pink hair. Ella is a bit of a bigger girl, a bit taller than average with some weight to her from a generally sedentary lifestyle (outside of being a magical girl). She’s quite curvy, with a sizable chest and hips. She has medium brown skin which is quite smooth and lacking in marks. One of the most noticeable things about Ella is her pastel pink hair. Left natural it's normally quite coily (type 4b to be exact), but right now she has them in box braids that fall midway down her back. She styles these in all sorts of ways - with her favourite being two buns on the top of her head and half the braids left loose. She’s always found with at least one, if not multiple, brightly coloured hair clips in her hair. Along with her colourful hair, Ella loves wearing bright makeup. Her lips are always a glossy pink or red, with bliss on her cheeks. She uses various shades of pink and glittery eyeshadows and loves to do fancy eyeliner designs when she has the time. Ella is always found in cutesy clothes. Most of her clothing is pastel shades, with the occasional brighter colour thrown in. Her favourites are pink and purple. She loves wearing pleated skirts and wide legged trousers, with crop tops or baggier t-shirts tucked into them. Knitted jumpers and cardigans of a variety of designs are a staple in her fashion. She loves all sorts of designs - butterflies, flowers, cute fruits, or just geometric ones. As long as it's cute she’ll wear it. Ella loves to accessorise, with colourful necklaces, bracelets and rings. She has multiple ear piercings - two lobe ones on each ear, an industrial in her left ear and a flat piercing in her right. She normally wears cute earrings, especially with heart or butterfly designs. Ella wears a pair of large, gold rimmed glasses. She’ll sometimes wear contacts, but generally just sticks with the glasses. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][color=e77fbf][b] Psychology[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"If you try your best and have friends by your side, you’re guaranteed to succeed!”[/i] [INDENT][color=e77fbf][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] [/color] Ella’s primary goal right now is, obviously, getting a second chance at life. Once that’s done she wants to catch up on all the anime she’s missed, and go to Japan. Also she’d like to become a school teacher, and maybe find some kind of romance… she’s never exactly had the chance! [color=e77fbf][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] [/color] There’s always light in the darkness, no matter how difficult things seem. Ella believes in optimism and always moving forward even in the worst circumstances. Sometimes you have to become that light for other people, and help them see the good in the world. Ella literally thinks in the power of friendship and that by working together you can do [i]anything[/i]. She’s always trying to do her best by other people, aiming to motivate and support so others can live their best lives. That together even the worst, darkest hours can be overcome. [color=e77fbf][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] [/color] Ella’s an open book, and doesn’t really have any secrets. Honestly, she’s probably too open about things she should keep to herself. [color=e77fbf][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Ella identifies as a lesbian, being attracted to women and more feminine aligning nonbinary people. She realised this as a young teenager… however she's yet to have a crush on a real person, as opposed to someone who's fictional. [color=e77fbf][b]FEARS ⫻[/b] [/color] Her favourite manga getting adapted into an anime only to get cancelled after one season. Her favourite manga getting cancelled early. Her favourite anime or manga getting poorly localised and misunderstood. She’s also scared of needles and amphibians. Another thing Ella fears is not being able to be there for other people - that she’ll slack, and everyone will crumble. She feels she has to hold up everyone else, to keep them happy and positive, and fear what will happen if she doesn’t. [color=e77fbf][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b] [/color] To most members of the coven, Ella was an absolute weirdo. She was incredibly vocal about her interests and always said the cringiest shit while using her abstraction. Among the more nerdy members she was very well liked - incredibly bright and friendly, with no discrimination towards their interests. Though she did force all of them to watch Sailor Moon on multiple occasions. But nerdiness aside she was one of the most positive and supportive members of the group. [color=e77fbf][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b] [/color] Ella acted as one of the heavy hitters on the coven’s front lines, fighting directly against the Snake’s apparitions. She had some versatility thanks to her lux type combination, offering healing along with strong attacks. [color=e77fbf][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Ella is very scatterbrained and easily distractible. She has a tendency to just zone out sometimes, getting lost in her own little world. She’s also quick to switch her attention, getting completely distracted by something else mid conversation or mid task. Sometimes she’ll completely focus on one thing to the point she ignores literally everything. Once Ella starts talking about something she’ll never stop, especially if she’s passionate about it. She can be quite oblivious, both to what's going on around her and other people’s reactions. Ella can also be incredibly emotional. Little things make her cry, and she can have quite extreme reactions to things even if she bounces back quickly. She can also often be self sacrificial, both mentally and physically - prioritising being that support for others over caring for herself. [/INDENT] [sub][color=e77fbf][b] Backstory[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Discovering anime was the best thing that ever happened to me!"[/i] [indent]Ella’s life before Sycamore Tree was quite mundane. She was the second child of two overworked but trying their best parents. Her parents tried their hardest with both her and her older brother, but they didn’t have the time to go along with all her whims. Where her brother was always playing with kids that lived on the street, Ella was more introverted when she was younger. She always had her nose stuck in a book. Then, one day her life changed. She was given access to the internet, and stumbled upon this forum post about something called anime. She decided to give it a try… and discovered a whole new world! Ella fell in love with anime, spending every free moment watching it. Her favourite was Sailor Moon and other magical girl anime, but she tried out all sorts of genres. She wanted to watch everything she could! When Ella started highschool she broke out of her shell - becoming bright and friendly where she’d been shy before. She made her first friends, three other anime fans, including Saskia Otten. The four of them formed a little weeb group and watched anime together, recommended manga to each other and constantly talked about it. They were an eclectic mix but they were close. One weekend the four of them were at the arcade, playing games together and goofing around. Out of nowhere people around them started acting… strange. Then the other two friends did too. It was like they were possessed, and out of nowhere one of them pinned Ella to the ground and started trying to choke her. This triggered her kindling event and she kicked the girl off her with a glowing, strengthened leg, running away along with Saskia. They ran into a group of people saying they were with the Sycamore Tree coven, and the two of them decided to join because they didn’t even know magic was a thing before then! Inspired by her favourite anime, Ella developed a series of spells to turn herself into a magical girl. She was strong enough to be on the front lines, using her green and red lux combo for powerful attacks against apparitions, but as useful as she was she was still seen as a weirdo. After all she was always shouting the cringiest lines during battle, because it was mandatory for her abstraction! She just couldn’t use it without that, and she always needed to be in her magical girl form. Ella was part of the self dubbed magical girl group (by her) - which was her, Saskia, Lisa and Kari. While Ella was the most squeamish of the group, she was able to get over it for her friends! She fought side by side with them… until the week leading up to the Eclipse. With the group spread thin thanks to others going off to different dimensions, Ella took on a group of strong apparitions by herself. She was too confident and wasn’t able to fight them all off, being brutally killed by them before any help could arrive. It should have all been over, but Ella was resurrected by the hound along with Lisa and Saskia. He needed them to go on some mission for him, making them his “Agents of Death”... which is a name Ella really dislikes. It’s so dark! They’re magical girls! Ella has no idea what to think about the hound, but she wants to live again. [/indent] [sub][color=e77fbf][b] Paranormal-Abilities[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"As Magical Girl Aurora, I’m here to end darkness! I’ll shine light on all evil and vanquish it!"[/i] [indent][color=e77fbf][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept [color=e77fbf][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]Green, Orange & Red Lux.[/i] Channeler: a sailor moon wand replica [color=e77fbf][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Inspired by all of her favourite magical girl anime, Ella has developed a series of spells to become a magical girl herself. She has her magical girl transformation spells, a series of light and colour based spells and enhancement based spells. [indent][color=e77fbf][b]Magical Metamorphosis! ⫻[/b][/color] The first spell Ella developed, and necessary for all her other ones to work. Using a combination of all of her lux, Ella transforms into a magical girl. This happens much like the magical girl transformations in an anime - she yells out a phrase (varying depending on the fight), and her whole body glows with a prismatic light. She dramatically (and unnecessarily) poses throughout it as her clothes change into a white leotard, purple miniskirt and a tiara with a shining purple gem at the centre. Her hair grows longer and changes into a bright pink to purple gradient. She dramatically poses at the end with her channel crossed in front of her (also unnecessary for the spell to work). The whole transformation sequence takes about thirty seconds. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Powers! ⫻[/b][/color] A series of light and colour based spells primarily using her red lux, with some combination with her green and orange lux. [indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Sun Beam! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella flourishes her channel, and sends out a beam of damaging, rainbow light. This is a focused, pinpoint laser beam. It burns through human flesh and most materials along with damaging apparitions. It’s her primary and strongest attack. [color=e77fbf][b]Aurora Flash! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella turns her hands into incredibly bright, colourful lights. This light is as bright as the sun and causes temporary blindness to anyone who looks at it. It doesn’t cause any physical damage, it’s just a blindingly bright light. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Healing Beam! ⫻[/b][/color] The opposite of her sun beam, Ella shoots a beam of healing, rainbow light from her channeler. This can heal one person hit by the beam at a relatively fast rate. If someone is minutes from dying it won’t save them, but otherwise it will heal them quickly enough to stop them from dying. [color=e77fbf][b]Super Prism Kick! ⫻[/b][/color] Using a combination of red and green lux, Ella empowers one or both of her legs with shining rainbow light. This makes her leg much stronger and harder, along with being coated in a magical, damaging light. She generally then performs a powerful high kick with her leg, but she can also use it for other things. This is her most damaging attack, but much more limited in range and more risky. [color=e77fbf][b]Polychromatic Punch! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella draws colours from bright objects on her, and infuses her hands and forearms with them. These colours make her fists extra hard, varying by the brightness of a colour. The brighter something is, the harder her punches will hit. A dull colour will make it slightly stronger than normal, whereas a incredibly bright colour will be as strong and hard as steel. When she hits, she can cause some of the colours to "splash" onto her target, burning them like weak acid. As a cosmetic effect, her skin turns the colour of whatever she absorbed. [color=e77fbf][b]Vivid Sphere! ⫻[/b][/color] Using pre-existing bright colours, Ella can launch a ball of colour. The size of this is dependent on the amount of colour Ella uses. It does blunt damage, with a strength dependent on the brightness of a colour. A dull colour would be like being hit by a tennis ball, but an incredibly bright colour like being hit by a brick. [/indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Iridescent Improvement! ⫻[/b][/color] A series of enhancement spells primarily using her orange lux, with support of her red and green lux. She’s not as practised with these spells as she is with her Prism Power spells. [indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Colour Absorption ⫻[/b][/color] Ella can absorb colours to enhance herself. This enhances both her physical strength and her abstraction, combining all of her lux types. How much she can enhance herself depends on the amount of colour she absorbs, and the brightness of the colour. A little bit of colour will make her slightly stronger, but not affect her abstraction. Colour from a bracelet will increase her strength from normal to being able to lift something 5kg heavier than she normally could, while making her other spells [i]slightly[/i] more damaging. If she absorbed an entire wall worth of bright colour she’d be able to lift cars and push her other spells to their limits. However colour absorption is time consuming, taking her minutes to absorb it from just a piece of jewellery. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Protection ⫻[/b][/color] Primarily using orange lux, with a small combination with red, Ella can enhance the emotional field of one friendly target. She can only do this for someone she cares about (mental block), and coats them in a soft prismatic light to boost their emotional field. This makes them more resistant to magical attacks and able to take more hits from them, while taking less damage. [/indent] [/indent] [color=e77fbf][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] The limit of all of Ella’s spells is that she needs to be in her magical girl form to use them. This is a mental block she could overcome, but won’t. [indent][color=e77fbf][b]Magical Metamorphosis! ⫻[/b][/color] This spell is mostly cosmetic, so doesn’t have many limits. Ella can only stay in her magical girl form for two hours at a time before needing a half an hour break. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Powers! ⫻[/b][/color] Most of Ella’s prism power spells are single target. The only exception to this is Aurora Flash, which affects any people in the area (including herself). Emotional fields protect against Prismatic Sun Beam, meaning she can’t just burn through those with them, and reduce the damage from Super Prism Kick and Vivid Sphere. [indent][color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Sun Beam! ⫻[/b][/color] This can technically be used for as long as Ella wants, but the longer she uses it the more physical strain it puts on her and eventually it will start to damage her too. This spell has a range of up to ten metres. [color=e77fbf][b]Aurora Flash! ⫻[/b][/color] This is a short range, area of effect spell - the light shines for about 3 metres around her. It can be easily avoided by closing your eyes or just not looking at it. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Healing Beam! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella can’t use her healing beam on herself. The healing isn’t insanely quick. She can make most people stable within minutes, but larger wounds or broken bones could take hours to heal. She can’t use it at the same time as her sun beam. This spell has a range of up to ten metres. [color=e77fbf][b]Super Prism Kick! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella’s leg isn’t entirely protected from damage, while strengthened. She can still damage it depending on how hard whatever she kicks is - for example, kicking a brick wall would damage it. If she keeps using it while damaged, she could eventually break her leg. It's limited in range, because she has to get close enough to kick whatever she’s trying to attack. She can keep this up for about fifteen minutes, before needing a five minutes break. [color=e77fbf][b]Polychromatic Punch! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella has to use pre-existing colours with this attack. The strength of it directly correlates to the brightness of a colour and she needs enough coloured things to infuse her fists - the surface area of the colour directly correlating to the surface area of whatever she's covering. She can only do it for ten minutes before the colour disappears. Along with this, the colour splash directly takes from the colour and the more she uses it the faster she'll use it up. [color=e77fbf][b]Vivid Sphere! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella can’t create the colour of this attack, she needs to get it from somewhere. The size and strength are dependent on the amount of colour and the vividness of it. The size directly correlates - a small amount of colour will make a small ball, and it gets bigger the more colour is added to it. A dull colour will make a weaker, less hard sphere whereas a very bright colour will be as strong and damaging as a brick or very heavy metal ball. This has a range of about 6 metres. [/indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Iridescent Improvement! ⫻[/b][/color] [indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Colour Absorption ⫻[/b][/color] This spell is slow. It would take Ella thirty seconds to absorb the colour from a ring, about two minutes to absorb the colour from a bracelet and five+ to absorb the colour from a t-shirt. She can’t use any other spells while she’s absorbing colour. The duller a colour, the lower the effects of the enhancement. By absorbing from a brightly coloured bracelet Ella will be able to lift something around 5kg heavier, and her spells will be slightly stronger - for example her vivid sphere would cause more damage even with a duller colour, her healing beam will heal at a slightly faster rate. The enhancement lasts for about ten minutes before she has to absorb colour again. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Protection ⫻[/b][/color] This has a range limit - Ella can only cast this one someone within three metres of her, and if they go more than ten metres away from her the already cast spell will drop. She can only use it on one person, and she has to be friendly with them. She can’t cast it on someone she doesn’t know. It lasts for about ten minutes. [/indent] [/indent] [color=e77fbf][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] [/color] [indent][color=e77fbf][b]Magical Metamorphosis! ⫻[/b][/color] None, low powered. [color=e77fbf][b]Prism Powers! ⫻[/b][/color] Ella’s light spells primary weakness is darkness, especially magical darkness that can entirely negate them. While she creates this light herself it’s much harder to do it somewhere that’s completely dark. Her colour spells weakness is greyscale - if there’s no colours to use, she can’t cast her spells. Both the light creation and colour spells physically ‘drain’ a bit of her. The more she uses any of them without a break the weaker she gets, and she could cause herself serious damage. The longer Ella uses her Prismatic Sun Beam the more she’ll exhaust herself, and can start physically damaging herself. After a minute of constant use she’ll start to burn herself too - starting at her hands and working their way up her arms. She has no protection against her Aurora Flash and can blind herself too, or at minimum temporarily lose her vision if she looks at it. Her healing beam drains her own life force. The longer she heals someone the weaker she gets, until physically fatigued. If she heals any major wounds she’ll feel sick and exhausted afterwards. For the Super Prism Kick she can [i]very[/i] easily hurt herself, same with Polychromatic Punch. While her leg is strengthened it’s not resistant to damage. She can’t kick through steel, and kicking anything too hard will damage or break her leg - perhaps irreparably. Because of the light based nature of all of Ella’s spells, the longer she uses them the more she’ll be affected as if she was staring directly at a light - light spots across her vision, burning eyes and difficulty seeing along with physical pain and nausea caused by that. [color=e77fbf][b]Iridescent Improvement! ⫻[/b][/color] [indent] [color=e77fbf][b]Colour Absorption ⫻[/b][/color] While absorbing a colour Ella is left completely vulnerable, needing to stay stationary and unable to use any other spells. This means she can easily be attacked while doing it. She also has to concentrate the whole time or the spell will be broken. Once the enhancement is over, she’ll be temporarily weakened for a few minutes. [color=e77fbf][b]Prismatic Protection ⫻[/b][/color] Ella essentially sacrifices her own emotional field to boost someone else’s. Her emotional field is still in place but just barely, and it’s much weaker. This makes her much more vulnerable to magical attacks and she could easily be taken out, hurt or killed. [/indent] [/indent] [/INDENT] [sup][color=e77fbf][b] Other[/b][/color][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I can’t wait to get back and catch up with all the anime I missed!"[/i] [indent]Ella always keeps a large number of brightly coloured objects on her - most often tons of bracelets that she wears or swaps out as she uses them for her abstraction. Also before she died Ella was a fanfiction writer, writing all sorts of stories for her favourite pairings… including spicy ones. [hider=Her Other Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsQMuaddLiU[/youtube] [/hider][/indent] [/hider]