[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]Aventon — The Fields[/h3] [/center] It was somewhat difficult to tell if her ramblings had been coherent and useful to Frankenstine, Rayne found. All she had to go off was a somewhat contemplative look. It was better than one of confusion or annoyance at least, she supposed, so she’d air on the side of optimism and hope that it had indeed helped. A few moments after she’d finished her spiel, they’d passed through the gate and out into the farmland beyond. She’d seen it before already of course, but it was a bit different to be traveling through the wreck rather than looking down at it in a detached fashion. At least there was farm land further out that was ok. For the moment. At least some of it probably got hit as collateral damage as part of what happened next. Rayne was nodding along with the farmer as he explained the issue with the animals being spread all over, and observing how there was no way to keep them back in their broken pens even if they were herded back, when Fran had an idea. One that started by pulling a massive mace out of nowhere, which was shocking to see anyone else do, and then blasting off in a mighty leap towards the beasts. “Wait no no no we want them alive!” a panicking Ryne shouted as she started to go after Fran, misinterpreting what her plan was immensely, only for the women to call down the lightning, the thunderous explosion drowning out Rayne’s accompanying shriek of shock and fright. She wasn’t the only one spooked by this, that was for sure, as it prompted the already running about animals to do so even more, now in utter terror. When Rayne saw Frankenstine proceed to leap and do another lighting flash to spook them in a specific direction, she did at least get what she was doing, but, well it could very much be argued whether Fran was herding the beasts, or just creating a stampede. The witch knight blink dashed the herd and herdswoman, and, upon catching up, then shouted “Please tell me have a plan to get them to stop!” because that was very much the issue here. Despite her massive misgivings with the plan she didn’t know the specifics of (who knew whatever other powers this metallically augmented lady had after all), the little lady helped out how she could, because she couldn’t exactly stop it. Thus she went blinking dashing here, there and everywhere, waving her hat, “yaa”ing and even body checking individual animals that weren't worth a flash of lighting. She was also very much on rescue duty, because panicked animals were not at all considerate of smaller, slower animals that might be in their way. As such a lot of her time involved things like chucking chickens out of harm's way, or blink dashing to the side with young animals in tow, lest they be trampled.