[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230605/b188b8e9cb2b405065c58f91ded076a7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/70/56/057056dae3c4c8a5c5426f6c458ba001.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@PatientBean][@Blizz][@Kirah][@KazAlkemi][hr][h3][color=FF0000][b]Earth-666[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] You have questions. I do my best to answer them. I explain to you that Limbo exists outside of the Multiverse, but that it is a realm with layers onto itself. It twists and turns, it divides a soul and fractures it. When I entered Limbo, a version of myself was murdered by Ananym - but another version, the one you see before you, survived. I was not able to reach you all in time, as I fought my way through Limbo's deepest layers, but I am... relieved to see that my successors performed adequately. You saved more than just the city - you saved the universe. So for that, I... thank you all. You are welcome at the Sanctum Santorum any time. [hr][center][h3][b][color=FF0000]In The Days To Come[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color]: Carolina, you undertake the noble - if not complicated - task of raising the infant Ananym as your own. There are moments where the child's eyes look like your lost beloved's, moments where the child instinctively uses October's voice. Perhaps your beloved is still there, reaching through time. Or perhaps it is a demon's trick, meant to endear you to the babe. Only time will tell. [color=#A69E0F]Maximilian Gray[/color]: [s]I have no idea who this young sorcerer is.[/s] Maximilian, you return to your home and your family, changed by what you have seen and experienced in ways that are not marked upon your flesh. You remember what it is like to be the Sorcerer Supreme, to have the power of the universe at your fingertips - and you feel its absence. But your destiny lies elsewhere, not in a Sanctum Santorum but in a mansion. [color=7FFFD4]Madalyne Crane[/color]: You have shaken off your demonic essence, Madalyne, but Limbo's fires call to you all the same. You leave this plane and head to Limbo, the prodigal daughter returned. There, you hunt day and night for Sym, to find the demon who killed your father. You are so very close to finding him, and your soulsword vibrates, shaking with anticipation. Will you be the same once you have killed this demon? Or will your own heritage resurface, horns sprouting from your head once more? But there is one portion of relief - your father is alive. Just as I escaped Limbo despite dying within it, a version of your father who did not die by Ananym's hand lived and returned to Earth. It does not change the fact that his flesh rots in Limbo, that a version of Edus - perhaps the original - did die there. [color=CAB9DB]Prudence Knight[/color] and [color=#a81a75]Runa the Gray[/color]: For better or for worse, you two find love - or something akin to it - in one another. Runa, you abandon your dead future and instead take an apprentice, the first one in an age. You teach Prudence everything that you know, and she swears a vow to kill you. It pleases you. You travel the universe together, the multiverse, moving forwards and backwards in time. Prudence, you have abandoned your old master, and emerged from the depths of Limbo a vampire - a daywalker. Under Runa's instruction, you learn the old Asgardian magic, learn to peer into the space between the realms and divine the future by seiĆ°r. It is promised that once you find a way to kill your lover, you will inherit her station, her authority - you will become the Sorcerer Supreme of the End of Time. [color=#663399]Annika Falling Star[/color] and [color=#6644FF]Jack Hawthorne[/color]: Jack, you raise Annika as your own, traveling the time stream as well. You search for her family, for her culture, for a way to restore her memories to her. For now, your leads are slim - but they are not nonexistent. The infant Annika grows more and more each day, and already, hints of her magic are about - she is no ordinary child. [color=FF17F2]Klara, Daughter of Thor[/color]: Klara, you return home to Asgard. You recount your tale to your parents and roam and play and fight. But gradually, the memories fade - the knowledge of what your cousin became is lost to where childhood recollections go. If it was not for your skeletal friend, a horse that came all the way from Limbo to Asgard, perhaps even this entire adventure would be lost to you. [color=d19f6a]The Second Edus Penior[/color]: You emerge from Limbo later, finding your sworn daughter on a path of vengeance over your death. You hear of your tragic demise and end, events that you have no recollection of. You return to your world and find that months had passed. You go to Cardiff. Your family needs you.