[center][img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ijMAAOSwQYpdrhnA/s-l1600.jpg[/img][/center] [center][u][h1]X-men: Outcasts Assembled[/h1][/u][/center] Outcasts Assembled is a casual roleplay between a group of befriended writers, based on Marvel Comic’s X-men series. The story takes place in an alternative universe with original characters. Background information such as factions, past events, and major players will be established over time with writer contributions. Rules 1. Of course, be kind to your fellow writers 2. You may apply as mutant or regular human, using the character template displayed below. 3. No aliens, reality manipulation, godmodding, or extremely advanced technology. 4. Iterations of canon marvel characters may be referenced to or appear in the story when agreed upon but do otherwise not officially exist in this AU. [hider=Character template] [u]General[/u] Name: Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Mutant: [i]Yes/No[/i] Affiliation: [i]What faction do they belong to?[/i] [u]Physical Description[/u] [i]What does your character look like? What are their distinguishing features?[/i] [u]Personality[/u] [i]How does your character act, what are their defining personality traits?[/i] [u]Backstory[/u] [i]What has happened in your character's past that has lead them to where they are now?[/i] [u]Mutation[/u] Mutant power level: [i]Please indicate the power-level of the character (I.e. Beta, Alpha, Omega).[/i] General description: [i]Describe what your character's power does. What is the overarching theme of the mutation? How does it interact with objects and people? Does it affect your own character? Etc. [/i] Limits & weaknesses: [i]Describe the limits of the mutant ability. What can and can't it do? What is the range? Also provide two relevant weaknesses of your character's mutant ability.[/i] [u]Assets[/u]: [i]What does your character possess?[/i] [/hider] [hr][h2]Background Information[/h2] To be added. [hr][h2]Major Events[/h2] To be added. [hr][h2]Approved characters and NPCs[/h2] To be added.