[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e6/91/ac/e691ac5e6cf65938617773afcd81d168.jpg[/img][/center] [color=orange][b][u]General[/u][/b][/color] [color=orange]Full name:[/color] Clementine Fraser [color=orange]Age:[/color] 18 years [color=orange]POB (Place of Birth):[/color] United States of America [color=orange]Species:[/color] Human (Mutant) [color=orange]Nationality:[/color] American [color=orange]Ethnicity:[/color] Scottish-American [color=orange]Affiliations:[/color] Corleone Family [color=orange]Relatives:[/color] Giovanni Corleone (father), Aileen Fraser (mother), Errol Travis Acosta (older half-brother), Duncan Fraser (big-brother) [color=orange][b][u]Physical Description[/u][/b][/color] [color=orange]Hair color and style:[/color] Wavy hair that is a bright shade of red. Her hair is thick and has a lot of volume, and it is styled in a way that is both casual and flattering. Her hair is parted in the middle, and it falls in soft waves around her face. She has long, side-swept bangs that frame her eyes. Sometimes she puts her wild mane into a messy bun, but that's mostly when she's home. [color=orange]Skin Tone:[/color] Fair complexion [color=orange]Eye Color:[/color] Pale blue [color=orange]Height:[/color] 5′6″ (1.68 m) [color=orange]Weight:[/color] 110 lbs (49.9 kg) [color=orange]Build:[/color] Lithe [color=orange]Other features:[/color] (Scars/tattoos/piercings, visible mutations, or any other feature. if applicable) [color=orange]Everyday clothing style:[/color] Clementine is usually wearing a black blouse with a white collar and cuffs. The blouse is untucked and slightly wrinkled. She is also wearing a pair of black pants with a belt. The pants are slightly baggy and have a low waist. She is wearing a pair of black boots with heels. The boots are scuffed and worn. She is also typically wearing a black choker around her neck with a pair of silver earrings and rings. [color=orange][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] Born into the shadowy underworld of organized crime, Clementine Fraser's life began with tragedy and turmoil. Her birth shrouded in mystery and darkness, claimed the life of her mother, casting a long shadow over her tumultuous upbringing. Clementine's arrival into the world was marred by the loss of her mother, a devastating blow that haunted her father, Giovanni Corleone, which he never really managed to overcome. From her earliest days, Clementine was burdened with the weight of her father's hatred and blame. Giovanni, a formidable figure in the criminal underworld, saw in his daughter not a blessing, but a curse—the spitting image of the woman he had lost. Reminders of her mother's presence echoed through the corridors of their home, Giovanni's disdain for his daughter a constant presence in Clementine's life. Despite his animosity towards her, Giovanni saw in Clementine the potential heir to his criminal empire—a legacy left vacant by her oldest brother's departure to the school for the gifted. Duncan Fraser's abandonment was a bitter pill for their father to swallow, his disappointment in his eldest son fueling his determination to mold Clementine into the successor he so desperately desired. Yet, Giovanni's efforts to groom his daughter were marked by cruelty and indifference. Clementine, bearing the physical resemblance of her late mother, endured his harsh treatment in the hopes of earning even a sliver of his affection. Her world shifted once more when, at the age of seven, she met her second brother, Errol Travis Acosta—a half-sibling taken in by Giovanni at the tender age of thirteen. With Errol's arrival, Giovanni's focus shifted entirely, his attention consumed by the promise he saw in his newfound protégé. Clementine, once the object of her father's ambitions, was cast aside and forgotten, left to fend for herself in the shadows of her family's legacy. At sixteen, Giovanni's rejection became final as he cast Clementine out of his home and his life. Alone and adrift, she found an unlikely saviour in Duncan Fraser, her estranged brother, who provided her with a meager lifeline—a modest apartment, sustenance, and a sense of stability amidst the chaos of their fractured family. Now, as she navigates the treacherous waters of her own identity and the legacy of her family's dark past, Clementine is faced with choices that will define her future. Will she succumb to the shadows that threaten to consume her, or will she rise above the darkness to forge her own path in a world fraught with danger and deceit? [color=orange][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] Clementine Fraser possesses a multifaceted personality shaped by her tumultuous upbringing and the complexities of her family dynamics. Despite society labelling her as a delinquent due to her occasional truancy and involvement in petty crimes, Clementine's inner self reflects a mixture of rebellion, resilience, and a yearning for familial acceptance. She exudes an aura of defiance, often pushing against societal norms and authority figures, yet beneath this rebellious exterior lies a conflicted soul. Clementine harbours a deep-seated desire for her father's approval and attention, despite his resentment towards her for her mother's death. This longing for validation fuels her actions, leading her to engage in questionable activities in an attempt to win her father's favour. Despite her involvement in petty crimes, Clementine maintains a moral compass, refraining from actions that could cause serious harm to others. She possesses a sense of empathy and compassion, particularly towards her brother Duncan, whom she admires and respects despite their strained familial relationships. Clementine's personality is characterized by a fierce temper, which is a side effect of her mutant gene. This temperamental nature can cause her to lose control or slip up in her management of her plasma manipulation powers, especially when her emotions run high. The stronger the emotions, the greater the risk of her losing control if she's not careful. Despite her and her brother's strained relationship, Clementine holds a begrudging respect for her brother Duncan even though she might not show it very often. Their interactions are often marked by tension, with Duncan frequently needing to bail out and lecture Clementine for her actions. In response, Clementine pushes back, viewing Duncan as an annoying older brother whose attempts at guidance feel overbearing and intrusive. Despite their differences, there's an underlying bond between them, born out of shared experiences and familial ties. While Clementine may resent Duncan's attempts to steer her onto a more path from their father, she ultimately values his presence in her life, recognizing his efforts to keep her out of trouble, even if she doesn't always show it. Their relationship is a complex mixture of frustration, loyalty, and begrudging affection, reflecting the nuanced dynamics within their family. Additionally, Clementine has another brother, Errol, the middle sibling, who despite his distance, formed a somewhat close relationship. She often sees him as the "cool" brother and often asks to join her brother's gang yet receives a no every time because deep down Errol knows she only wants to join out of an attempt to gain their father's attention. [color=orange][b][u]Morality:[/u][/b][/color] Clementine Fraser's morality is complex and heavily influenced by her tumultuous upbringing. Society would categorize her as a delinquent due to her occasional truancy and involvement in petty crimes with her friends. However, beneath this rebellious exterior lies a conflicted soul. Despite lacking a positive father figure in her life and facing her father's resentment for her mother's death, Clementine yearns for his approval and attention, much like her half-brother received when growing up. However, she surprisingly doesn't harbour any ill will towards her brother and often sees him as the "cool" sibling in the family. Despite her involvement in petty crimes, Clementine's moral compass remains intact. She doesn't harbour ill intentions toward others and refrains from actions that could cause serious harm. Her desire for her father's approval may drive her to engage in questionable activities, but she's not inherently malicious. Deep down, Clementine wrestles with the disparity between her longing for familial acceptance and her innate sense of right and wrong. In times of trouble, Clementine's big sister, Duncan, plays a crucial yet complicated role in her life. Duncan doesn't particularly like her family, but she still feels a sense of duty towards Clementine, often bailing her out after she gets arrested. This act of sibling support adds a layer of complexity to Clementine's morality, as it underscores the importance of familial obligations amidst the strained relationships within her family. Clementine's father, Corleone, from her birth, groomed her into becoming his heir to his criminal kingdom, since Clementine's oldest brother left to get away from his family. While Corleone harbours a deep hatred for Clementine (as he sees her as having killed his wife), he still groomed her because he had no one else to take up the mantle as heir. However, his grooming of his daughter Clementine was out of desperation more than an ounce of pride. When Clementine's half-brother came into the picture when she was 7 years old, Corleone was happy to discard his wife's killer (daughter) and pay no attention to her. [color=orange][b][u]Mutations:[/u][/b] [b]Plasma Manipulation[/b][/color] [color=orange]Potential Mutant Power Level:[/color] Omega [color=orange][b]General description:[/b][/color] Clementine Fraser possesses the extraordinary ability to manipulate plasma, a superheated state of matter consisting of charged particles, thanks to her mutant gene. Her plasma manipulation abilities are incredibly versatile, allowing her to generate, control, and project plasma with remarkable precision and power. She can create intense plasma blasts, construct protective barriers, and manipulate the temperature of her surroundings with ease. In correlation to her control over plasma, Clementine's mutant gene gifts her with the remarkable ability to absorb solar radiation. Exposure to sunlight enhances the potency of her abilities, providing her with a renewable source of energy to fuel her plasma manipulation. The intensity of sunlight directly correlates with the strength of her powers, allowing her to reach unbelievable performance under clear skies and direct sunlight. What sets Clementine apart is her unique capacity to absorb the sun's radiation with potentially no limit. Clementine's mutant gene grants her an almost boundless capacity to draw upon the sun's power. This limitless reserve of energy ensures that she can maintain her plasma manipulation abilities at peak levels indefinitely, regardless of the duration or intensity of her exposure to sunlight. However, while sunlight amplifies Clementine's abilities, her plasma manipulation remains independent of external factors. Her mutant gene grants her the innate ability to generate and control plasma at will, regardless of environmental conditions. This independence allows her to utilize her powers even in the absence of sunlight. [color=orange][b]Limits & Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [color=orange][u]Emotional Control:[/u][/color] Weakness Description: Emotional Control refers to Clementine's ability to regulate her emotions and maintain focus while utilizing her plasma manipulation abilities. However, strong emotions can destabilize her control over her powers, leading to unintended consequences. When overwhelmed by intense emotions, Clementine may struggle to control the intensity of her plasma manipulation abilities, resulting in erratic or uncontrollable bursts of plasma energy. [color=orange][u]Sun Absorbtion:[/u][/color] Weakness Description: Clementine Fraser's unique capacity to absorb the sun's radiation with potentially no limit, does have a sort of limit, in the sense that her own body has implemented mental blocks, to keep Clementine safe from going nuclear. Without proper guidance and training, Clementine may never learn her full potential and reach her [b]supercharged form[/b] or ascended form. Exceeding these limits without proper training can lead to exhaustion or even internal damage causing bleeding from her nose, eyes or ears. [color=orange][u]Dusk Deterioration:[/u][/color] Weakness Description: Clementine's powers are intrinsically tied to the sun, drawing strength from its radiant energy. However, in the absence of sunlight or prolonged periods of darkness, her abilities wane, leaving her significantly weakened. If Clementine goes without exposure to sunlight for more than 48 hours, her plasma manipulation becomes increasingly difficult to control, and her powers diminish until she can once again bask in the sun's rejuvenating rays. [color=orange][u]Hydro-Disruption:[/u][/color] Weakness Description: Hydro-disruption refers to your character's vulnerability to water-based attacks or environments, which can disrupt or weaken her plasma manipulation abilities. Exposure to water, particularly in large quantities, can interfere with Clementine's ability to generate and control her plasma effectively. The presence of water molecules in high quantity will disrupt the ionization process necessary for her plasma manipulation, diminishing the intensity or precision of her powers.