[CENTER][COLOR=F796A9][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][/CENTER][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1224910842424725665/1226328034244690040/callibanner_copy.jpg?ex=66245dfb&is=6611e8fb&hm=42038bf9149c2fd18f9fe5a7beb03c512a29dddcff93fc7f7973016b25484d8f&=&format=webp&width=710&height=302[/img][/center][indent][sub][COLOR=F796A9][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]The Beach[/I] - [I]Pacific Royal Campus[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=F796A9][b]Welcome Home #1.011:[/b][/COLOR] [I]When Hot And Cold Meet[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=F796A9][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][indent][sub][color=F796A9][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR][I] Beach Folks[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=F796A9][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=GRAY][I]Nil[/I][/color][/right][/SUP][/indent] [color=darkgray] [color=white]"And that is why Hyperhumans should be free from observation."[/color] The debate judge stood at her podium, nodding at the third year as they finished their side of the argument. The topic: Should Hyperhumans be allowed free reign allowed to standard humans or should they be monitored and kept tabs on? The opponent was against and Calliope was given for. [color=white]"And now we will hear the opposing side by Ms. de León, who will be arguing that Hyperhumans should be monitored by the government."[/color] The judge gestured for Calliope to begin. Calliope looked down briefly at the notecards she painstakingly wrote for the past two weeks, editing each detail to a fine point. She glanced over her handwriting and noted an increased heart rate. It wasn't on the level of a panic attack as she was prepared for this. She knew social situations. She knew how to get her points across. Even if she was arguing for a side she had no faith in, she knew she could still win. But no one liked a robot. To read from her cards like she was some high schooler phoning it in on a PowerPoint presentation would not cinch this. So she put down the notecards, took a deep breath. And began speaking. [color=F796A9]"If you were to believe my opponent then life seems pretty good. We can all walk around freely, not worrying about if crossing the street will result in getting hit by a car or if a plane were to crash as you relaxed on the beach. Extreme examples, sure. But statistically unlikely to happen. You are more likely to have a vending machine fall on you than be attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean." "But yet, people are more afraid of sharks than they are vending machines? Why?" "Because a shark poses a threat due to their nature. A shark might not attack every swimmer it meets, but the results of a shark attack are gruesome. They can be dangerous creatures if you do not know what to do when you meet one. The same can be said for Hyperhumans." "Right now people are walking amongst you have abilities that are unprecedented. We've seen movies of people with unlikely abilities and how they use them to save the world, help their fellow man, but what is not presented is when those same people decide they know what's best. When they feel they can step in without anyone to question them. When they feel they know what's best for you." "And you might be thinking, 'Well if I am in a life-threatening situation, I rely on the experts. Police. Firefighters. Paramedics. People with experience to handle those situations. And you are right. But tell me, what experience do Hyperhumans possess that make them a better fit to handle those situations? Because they are able to control the elements? Because they cannot be hurt with bullets? Because they can fly?" "You have a human with abilities beyond comprehension at the most basic level and, yet, no training. No guidebook to ensure they know what to do when those powers manifest. Instead we see catastrophic events occur on the news of a fountain in an otherwise peaceful town get obliterated into nothing more than ice and rubble. Imagine if there were people there."[/color] Calli took a glance at her opponent and saw the simple frown and the muscle tension. She knew one of his points during the next round was going to bring up her past and when her powers got out of control. She hated when debaters used personal attacks, but points for effort. She essentially took a killing blow from him and put it on her side. [color=F796A9]"People are dangerous normally. We need only look at history to see the many atrocities we have done as humankind to see our potential for danger. Now imagine those same people, but with god-like abilities shaping the course of time. Sometimes literally. This is why they need to be monitored. Recorded. Have systems set up to ensure they and all of us around them are safe and well-mannered. This is why Hyperhumans need to be observed. Safety: it's a valuable commodity."[/color] [hr] Calliope wrapped up and started packing her things into her bag when she felt someone walk up. She turned to see her Debate Team advisor, [url=https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/633b42f061a5fa19b93f1255/4:3/w_2000,h_1500,c_limit/LGM-20221003-emma-thompson.jpg]Dr. Emily Prophet[/url] sidle up to her. [color=lightblue]"Very well argued Calliope. I'll admit I was worried having you on the pro side, but I see my fears were unwarranted. I should have known you would smash it, as you have done countless times before."[/color] Calliope smiled lightly at the professor's words. [color=F796A9]"Thank you ma'am."[/color] Dr. Prophet waved a hand away. [color=lightblue]"Oh none of that. You are one of my most favored students. I see great things. As you know, the spirit of debate is to argue your side to the best of your abilities, even if you do not fully believe it yourself. I believe you are on the law track if I remember correctly. That skill will prove paramount to your success. A lawyer fights for their side, even if said side is something or someone they strongly oppose. I have cautioned many a student to not let it blind them to what is really going on in the world. You can fight for your side while strongly opposing it to see justice is done. Words are powerful, Calliope. I would go so far as to say you could use words that are more powerful than any Hyperhuman ability known to man. Now if you'll excuse me, my wife is texting me given the amount of buzzing I feel in my pocket so I imagine I am in for a lecture of my own. Good day."[/color] Dr. Prophet walked off, leaving Calliope to feel her words. It was true, Calliope wanted to pursue law. She wanted to be the figure on the side of helping Hyperhumans or whoever felt downtrodden or disrespected just for things they couldn't control. She clenched her fist, remembering her father, but the thorny memory was pushed aside. She didn't need that right now. [hr] The beach was cooler than she expected. Normally she hated the beach. Even on a good day it reminded her of home and those memories were best served in therapy than on a sandy, sweaty beach. But at least she didn't need to keep herself cool and comfortable. Wearing a [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81d9Mnb1VpL._AC_UY350_.jpg]beach outfit[/url] she put together herself in the hopes of making a certain blond-haired Aussie have a heart attack, she made her way to where she expected to see the rest of Team Blackjack. She carried with her a tote bag filled with snacks she was willing to share (a nice assortment of salty and sweet treats). As she made the trek through the sand, her mind wandered. She was in her final year here at P.R.C.U. She was on her way out to her next thing. Never would she have imagined she'd be where she was. The mental and emotional scars were not healed and, in all likelihood, would never disappear. She had made her peace with that. If for no other reason than finding a home amongst some of the people she met here. Katja. Rory. Mei. Haven. And Banjo. Calliope brought herself back to reality as she neared voices. She heard someone yelling about littering and knew she found them. She scanned those in attendance and noted Banjo was not among them. [color=F796A9]"Hello everyone."[/color] She put her tote bag down as she got within range of them. She pulled out a towel and laid it on the sand nearby. [color=F796A9]"Lovely day for it. How's everyone?"[/color] She attempted to meet her words with warmth, but some things were hard to break. The Ice Queen had arrived. [/color]